Chapter 6. Merit Personnel System.

Subchapter I. Findings; Purpose. Back to Top
§ 1-601.01. Findings.
§ 1-601.02. Purpose.
Subchapter II. Coverage; Status of Present Employees; Retention of Existing Personnel Rights and Benefits. Back to Top
§ 1-602.01. Coverage; exceptions.
§ 1-602.02. Limited application of chapter.
§ 1-602.03. Educational employees of the District of Columbia Board of Education and the Board of Trustees of the University of the District of Columbia.
§ 1-602.04. Status of employees employed by the District of Columbia government on the date that this chapter becomes effective as provided in § 1- 636.02; retention of existing rights.
§ 1-602.05. Development of new personnel system.
§ 1-602.06. Supersession provisions; effectiveness of collective bargaining on compensation matters.
Subchapter III. Definitions. Back to Top
§ 1-603.01. Definitions.
Subchapter IV. Organization for Personnel Management. Back to Top
§ 1-604.01. Policy.
§ 1-604.02. Office of Personnel established; appointment and eligibility of Director; delegation of Mayor's authority.
§ 1-604.03. Authority of the District of Columbia Board of Education and the Board of Trustees of the University of the District of Columbia.
§ 1-604.04. Issuance of rules and regulations affecting personnel for employees of the District of Columbia.
§ 1-604.05. Issuance of rules and regulations.
§ 1-604.06. Personnel authority.
§ 1-604.07. Transfer of personnel functions to Office of Personnel; exception; property and funds transferred; separation and reassignment of transferred employee.
§ 1-604.08. Oath of office.
Subchapter V. Public Employee Relations Board. Back to Top
§ 1-605.01. Establishment of Board; qualifications; composition; term of office; removal; vacancies; conflict of interest; compensation; attendance at meetings; appointment of employees; request for appropriations; quorum.
§ 1-605.02. Powers of the Board.
§ 1-605.03. Transition procedures.
§ 1-605.04. Publication of decisions.
Subchapter VI. Office of Employee Appeals. Back to Top
§ 1-606.01. Establishment of the Office of Employee Appeals; composition; qualifications; term of office; vacancies; Chairperson; quorum; appeal procedure; conflict of interest; compensation; appointment of employees; expenditures; removal; exclusivity of position.
§ 1-606.02. Authority; duties of the Office.
§ 1-606.03. Appeal procedures.
§ 1-606.04. Agency hearing procedures.
§ 1-606.05. Authority of Council to issue rules mandated by § 1-606.04(a).
§ 1-606.06. Mediation and settlement.
§ 1-606.07. Arbitration.
§ 1-606.08. Attorney fees.
§ 1-606.09. Enforcement of order.
§ 1-606.10. Public hearings.
§ 1-606.11. Rules.
Subchapter VII. Equal Employment Opportunity. Back to Top
§ 1-607.01. Affirmative action; exercise of religion.
§ 1-607.02. Special provisions for persons with physical or developmental disabilities.
§ 1-607.03. Veterans preference in employment.
§ 1-607.04. Employee selection procedures--Statement of purpose.
§ 1-607.05. Employee selection procedures--Relation to job required.
§ 1-607.06. Employee selection procedures--Evidence of validity.
§ 1-607.07. Sex discrimination in benefit programs.
§ 1-607.08. Specific standards authorized.
Subchapter VII-A. Residency Requirement.[Repealed] Back to Top
§ 1-607.51. Residency requirement.[Repealed]
Subchapter VIII. Career Service. Back to Top
§ 1-608.01. Creation of Career Service.
Subchapter VIII-A. Educational Service. Back to Top
§ 1-608.01a. Creation of the Educational Service.
Subchapter VIII-B. Government Attorneys. Back to Top
Part A. Legal Service.
§ 1-608.51. Definitions.
§ 1-608.52. Creation of the Legal Service.
§ 1-608.53. Creation of the Senior Executive Attorney Service.
§ 1-608.54. Appointment of attorneys.
§ 1-608.55. Supervision of attorneys.
§ 1-608.56. Disciplinary action for attorneys other than Senior Executive Attorneys.
§ 1-608.57. Continuing legal education; management supervisory skills maintenance and enhancement; accountability standards and plans.
§ 1-608.58. Pay parity for attorneys.
§ 1-608.59. Residency.
§ 1-608.60. Reporting.
§ 1-608.61. Rulemaking.
§ 1-608.62. Applicability.
§ 1-608.63. Payment of compensation to former subordinate agency attorneys.
§ 1-608.64. Transfers.
§ 1-608.65. Budgeting.
Part B. Certificate of Good Standing Filing Requirement.
§ 1-608.81. Certificate of Good Standing filing requirement.
Subchapter IX. Excepted Service. Back to Top
§ 1-609.01. Creation of the Excepted Service; qualifications; appointment; exclusivity of service.
§ 1-609.02. Nature of positions in the Excepted Service and conversion rights.
§ 1-609.03. Number of Excepted Service employees; redelegation of authority to appoint; publication requirement.
§ 1-609.04. Special appointments.
§ 1-609.05. Lack of job protection; procedural protection.
§ 1-609.06. Domicile.
§ 1-609.07. Transitional provisions.
§ 1-609.08. Statutory officeholders.
§ 1-609.09. Appointment of attorneys.[Repealed]
Subchapter IX-A. Management Supervisory Service. Back to Top
§ 1-609.51. Establishment.
§ 1-609.52. Composition.
§ 1-609.53. Competitive appointments.
§ 1-609.54. Employment-at-will.
§ 1-609.55. Management Supervisory Service skills maintenance and enhancement.
§ 1-609.56. Pay for Management Supervisory Service.
§ 1-609.57. Residency preference.
§ 1-609.58. Transition provisions.
Subchapter X. Executive Service.[Repealed] Back to Top
§ 1-610.01. Creation of Executive Service.[Repealed]
§ 1-610.02. Incumbents.[Repealed]
Subchapter X-A. Executive Service. Back to Top
§ 1-610.51. Policy; scope.
§ 1-610.52. Executive Service pay schedule.
§ 1-610.53. Executive Service pay plan.
§ 1-610.54. Incumbents.
§ 1-610.55. Reasonable pre-employment travel and relocation expenses and temporary housing allowance.
§ 1-610.56. Additional income allowance.
§ 1-610.57. Performance incentives.
§ 1-610.58. Separation pay.
§ 1-610.59. District of Columbia domicile.
§ 1-610.60. Subsequent appointments.
§ 1-610.61. Universal leave.
§ 1-610.62. Retirement benefits.
§ 1-610.63. Life insurance benefits.
§ 1-610.64. Employment contracts with subordinate agency heads.
Subchapter X-B. Lateral Police Career Appointments. Back to Top
§ 1-610.71. Definitions.
§ 1-610.72. Salary and Assignment for appointment of Metropolitan Police Department at Class 1--Private.
§ 1-610.73. Treatment of lateral law enforcement officers as police hired after September 30, 1987.
§ 1-610.74. Leave accrual for lateral law enforcement officers.
§ 1-610.75. Retirement benefits for lateral law enforcement officers hired after January 11, 2000.
§ 1-610.76. Credit for prior law enforcement service.
Subchapter XI. Classification; Compensation. Back to Top
§ 1-611.01. Classification policy; grade levels; publication required; public hearing.
§ 1-611.02. Establishment and maintenance of classification system for Career and Excepted Services employees.
§ 1-611.03. Compensation policy; compensatory time off; overtime pay.
§ 1-611.04. Compensation system for Career and Excepted Services-- Established.
§ 1-611.05. Compensation system for Career and Excepted Services--Periodic review.
§ 1-611.06. Compensation system for Career and Excepted Services--Review by the Council of the District of Columbia.
§ 1-611.07. Executive pay plan.[Repealed]
§ 1-611.08. Compensation--Members of boards and commissions.
§ 1-611.09. Compensation--Mayor and members of Council.
§ 1-611.10. Compensation--Members of the Board of Education.
§ 1-611.11. Classification and compensation policies and procedures for educational employees.
§ 1-611.12. Compensation for members of the Public Employee Relations Board.
§ 1-611.13. Pay setting for fire fighters, police officers and teachers for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1979, and September 30, 1980.
§ 1-611.14. Classification policy; grade levels; publication required; public hearing.
§ 1-611.15. Waiver of compensation.
§ 1-611.16. Pay limitations under other laws.
§ 1-611.17. Employee deferred compensation program established.
§ 1-611.18. Housing bonus;  District of Columbia employees.[Repealed]
§ 1-611.19. Pre-tax benefits programs.
§ 1-611.20. Mandatory direct deposit.
§ 1-611.21. Personnel authority pilot programs.
Subchapter XI-A. Mayor and Council Compensation Advisory Commission. Back to Top
§ 1-611.51. Establishment of the Mayor and Council Compensation Advisory Commission.
§ 1-611.52. Composition and term.
§ 1-611.53. Duties.
§ 1-611.54. Reports.
§ 1-611.55. Meetings and hearings.
§ 1-611.56. Powers.
§ 1-611.57. Council action.
Subchapter XII. Hours of Work; Legal Holidays; Leave. Back to Top
§ 1-612.01. Hours of work.
§ 1-612.02. Legal public holidays.
§ 1-612.02a. Legal private holidays.
§ 1-612.03. Leave.
§ 1-612.03a. Universal leave program.
§ 1-612.03b. Donor leave.
§ 1-612.04. Definitions.
§ 1-612.05. Annual leave bank.
§ 1-612.06. Donations.
§ 1-612.07. Application for withdrawal.
§ 1-612.08. Approval of application for withdrawal.
§ 1-612.09. Use of donated annual leave.
§ 1-612.10. Termination of medical emergency.
§ 1-612.11. Rules.
Subchapter XII-A. Voluntary Leave Transfer Program. Back to Top
§ 1-612.31. Definitions.
§ 1-612.32. Voluntary leave transfer program.
§ 1-612.33. Application to receive transferred leave.
§ 1-612.34. Leave contributions.
§ 1-612.35. Approval or disapproval of leave transfer.
§ 1-612.36. Receipt and use of transferred leave.
§ 1-612.37. Prohibition of coercion.
§ 1-612.38. Voluntary transfer of leave program report.
Subchapter XIII. Employee Development. Back to Top
§ 1-613.01. Programs for employee development.
Subchapter XIII-A. Performance Management. Back to Top
§ 1-613.51. Performance management system established.
§ 1-613.52. Performance management system.
§ 1-613.53. Transition provisions.
Subchapter XIV. Performance-Rating Plans.[Repealed] Back to Top
§ 1-614.01. Established.[Repealed]
§ 1-614.02. Content requirements.[Repealed]
§ 1-614.03. Ratings.[Repealed]
§ 1-614.04. Review of ratings.[Repealed]
§ 1-614.05. Other rating procedures prohibited; exception.[Repealed]
Subchapter XIV-A. Managers Accountability. Back to Top
§ 1-614.11. Definitions.
§ 1-614.12. Performance plan.
§ 1-614.13. Performance report.
§ 1-614.14. Development of plans and reports.
Subchapter XV. Employee Rights and Responsibilities. Back to Top
§ 1-615.01. Declaration of purpose.[Repealed]
§ 1-615.02. Employee bill of rights.[Repealed]
§ 1-615.03. Complaints of criminal harassment for appearances and testimony before the Council.[Repealed]
§ 1-615.04. Public employees as fiduciaries for consumer protection.
§ 1-615.05. Curbing fraud and conflicts of interest.
Subchapter XV-A. Whistleblower Protection. Back to Top
§ 1-615.51. Findings and declaration of purpose.
§ 1-615.52. Definitions.
§ 1-615.53. Prohibitions.
§ 1-615.54. Enforcement.
§ 1-615.55. Disciplinary actions; fine.
§ 1-615.56. Election of remedies.
§ 1-615.57. Posting of notice.
§ 1-615.58. Employee responsibilities.
§ 1-615.58a. Salary restriction for interfering with Council whistleblowers.
§ 1-615.59. Applicability.
Subchapter XVI. Adverse Actions; Grievances.[Repealed] Back to Top
§ 1-616.01. Adverse actions.[Repealed]
§ 1-616.02. Grievances.[Repealed]
§ 1-616.03. Procedures and appeals.[Repealed]
Subchapter XVI-A. General Discipline and Grievances. Back to Top
§ 1-616.51. Policy.
§ 1-616.52. Disciplinary grievances and appeals.
§ 1-616.53. Grievances.
§ 1-616.54. Administrative leave; enforced leave.
Subchapter XVII. Labor-Management Relations. Back to Top
§ 1-617.01. Policy.
§ 1-617.02. Labor-management relations program established; contents; impasse resolution.
§ 1-617.03. Standards of conduct for labor organizations.
§ 1-617.04. Unfair labor practices.
§ 1-617.05. Strikes prohibited.
§ 1-617.06. Employee rights.
§ 1-617.07. Union security; dues deduction.
§ 1-617.08. Management rights; matters subject to collective bargaining.
§ 1-617.09. Unit determination.
§ 1-617.10. Selection of exclusive representatives; elections.
§ 1-617.11. Rights accompanying exclusive recognition.
§ 1-617.12. Sunshine provisions.
§ 1-617.13. Remedies; enforcement; judicial review; payment of costs.
§ 1-617.14. Timeliness of decisions.
§ 1-617.15. Collective bargaining agreements.
§ 1-617.16. Collective bargaining concerning compensation.
§ 1-617.17. Collective bargaining concerning compensation.
§ 1-617.18. Evaluation process for public school employees.
Subchapter XVIII. Employee Conduct. Back to Top
§ 1-618.01. Standards of conduct.
§ 1-618.02. Conflicts of interest.
§ 1-618.03. Ethics counselors; codification of advisory opinions.[Repealed]
§ 1-618.04. Prohibition on nepotism.
Subchapter XIX. Incentive Awards. Back to Top
§ 1-619.01. Authority to grant awards.
§ 1-619.02. Limitation upon awards.
§ 1-619.03. Personnel authority pilot programs.
Subchapter XX. Safety and Health. Back to Top
§ 1-620.01. Policy.
§ 1-620.02. Extent of coverage.
§ 1-620.03. Minimal standards applicable.
§ 1-620.04. Authority of Mayor.
§ 1-620.05. Employee rights.
§ 1-620.06. Training.
§ 1-620.07. Health services.
§ 1-620.08. Records.
Subchapter XX-A. Testing of Drivers of Commercial Motor Vehicles for the Presence of Alcohol and Controlled Substances. Back to Top
§ 1-620.11. General.
Subchapter XX-B. Mandatory Drug and Alcohol Testing of Certain Employees of the Department of Human Services and the Commission on Mental Health Services. Back to Top
§ 1-620.21. Definitions.
§ 1-620.22. Employee testing.
§ 1-620.23. Testing methodology.
§ 1-620.24. Implied consent of employees who operate motor vehicles.
§ 1-620.25. Procedure and employee impact.
Subchapter XX-C. Mandatory Drug and Alcohol Testing for Certain Employees Who Serve Children. Back to Top
§ 1-620.31. Definitions.
§ 1-620.32. Employee testing.
§ 1-620.33. Motor vehicle operators.
§ 1-620.34. Testing methodology.
§ 1-620.35. Procedure and employee impact.
§ 1-620.36. Coverage of private contractual providers and private licensed providers.
§ 1-620.37. Rules.
Subchapter XX-D. Criminal History Inquiries. Back to Top
§ 1-620.41. Definitions.
§ 1-620.42. Pre-employment inquiries.
§ 1-620.43. Limitation on disqualification.
§ 1-620.44. Implementation for public employers.
Subchapter XXI. Health Benefits. Back to Top
§ 1-621.01. Federal health benefits.
§ 1-621.02. District health benefits.
§ 1-621.03. Definitions.
§ 1-621.04. Contracting authority.
§ 1-621.05. Health benefit plans.
§ 1-621.06. Types of benefits.
§ 1-621.07. Election of coverage.
§ 1-621.08. Employee deductions and withholdings.
§ 1-621.09. District contribution.
§ 1-621.10. Information to employees.
§ 1-621.11. Coverage of restored employees.
§ 1-621.12. Evaluations; reports; audits.
§ 1-621.13. Rules; eligibility.
§ 1-621.14. Continued health benefits coverage.
§ 1-621.15. Reimbursement of excess premium costs.[Expired]
§ 1-621.16. Information about Post Employment Benefit Plans.
§ 1-621.17. Post-employment benefits.
Subchapter XXII. Life Insurance; Benefit Program Study. Back to Top
§ 1-622.01. Federal life insurance benefits.
§ 1-622.02. Benefit program study.
§ 1-622.03. District life insurance benefits.
§ 1-622.04. Definitions.
§ 1-622.05. Contracting authority.
§ 1-622.06. Automatic coverage; description of benefits.
§ 1-622.07. Group insurance; amounts.
§ 1-622.08. Death claims; order of precedence; viatical settlements.
§ 1-622.09. Termination of insurance.
§ 1-622.10. Employee deductions; withholdings; payments.
§ 1-622.11. District contributions.
§ 1-622.12. Annual accounting; reports.
§ 1-622.13. Special contingency reserve.
§ 1-622.14. Rules; eligibility.
§ 1-622.15. Disability income protection.
§ 1-622.16. Post-employment benefits.
Subchapter XXIII. Public Sector Workers' Compensation. Back to Top
§ 1-623.01. Definitions.
§ 1-623.02. Compensation for disability or death of employee.
§ 1-623.02a. Administration.
§ 1-623.02b. Functions-Disability Compensation.
§ 1-623.03. Medical services and initial medical and other benefits.
§ 1-623.04. Vocational rehabilitation.
§ 1-623.05. Total disability.
§ 1-623.06. Partial disability.
§ 1-623.06a. Period of disability payments.
§ 1-623.07. Compensation schedule.
§ 1-623.08. Reduction of compensation for subsequent injury to same member.
§ 1-623.09. Beneficiaries of awards unpaid at death; order of precedence.
§ 1-623.10. Augmented compensation for dependents.
§ 1-623.11. Additional compensation for services of attendants or vocational rehabilitation.
§ 1-623.12. Maximum and minimum monthly compensation.
§ 1-623.13. Increase, decrease, or suspension of compensation.
§ 1-623.14. Computation of pay.
§ 1-623.15. Determination of wage-earning capacity.
§ 1-623.16. Limitation of right to receive compensation.
§ 1-623.17. Time of accrual of right.
§ 1-623.18. Continuation of pay; election to use annual or sick leave.
§ 1-623.19. Notice of injury or death.
§ 1-623.20. Report of injury.
§ 1-623.21. Claim required; contents.
§ 1-623.22. Time for making claim.
§ 1-623.23. Physical examinations.
§ 1-623.24. Time for making claim; finding of facts; award; right to hearing; conduct of hearing.
§ 1-623.25. Misbehavior at proceedings.
§ 1-623.26. Subpoenas; oaths; examination of witnesses.
§ 1-623.27. Representation; attorneys; fees.
§ 1-623.28. Review of award.
§ 1-623.29. Recovery of overpayments.
§ 1-623.30. Assignment of claim.
§ 1-623.31. Subrogation of the District of Columbia.
§ 1-623.32. Adjustment after recovery from third person.
§ 1-623.33. Compensation in case of death.
§ 1-623.34. Funeral expenses; transportation of body.
§ 1-623.35. Lump-sum settlements.
§ 1-623.36. Injury incurred; initial payments outside United States.
§ 1-623.37. Compensation for noncitizens and nonresidents.
§ 1-623.38. Minimum limit modification for noncitizens and aliens.
§ 1-623.39. Student-employees.
§ 1-623.40. Administration.
§ 1-623.41. Cost-of-living adjustment of compensation.
§ 1-623.42. Employees' Compensation Fund.
§ 1-623.43. Compensation leave.
§ 1-623.44. Rules and regulations.
§ 1-623.45. Career and Educational Services retention rights.
§ 1-623.46. Transfer of authority.
§ 1-623.47. Modified work program.
Subchapter XXIV. Reductions-In-Force. Back to Top
§ 1-624.01. Policy.
§ 1-624.02. Procedures.
§ 1-624.03. Responsibility.
§ 1-624.04. Appeals.
§ 1-624.05. [Reserved]
§ 1-624.06. Abolishment of positions for Fiscal Year 1996.[Repealed]
§ 1-624.07. Abolishment of positions for Fiscal Year 1997.[Repealed]
§ 1-624.08. Abolishment of positions for fiscal year 2000 and subsequent fiscal years.
§ 1-624.09. Severance pay.
Subchapter XXIV-A. Transition Benefits for Displaced Employees. Back to Top
§ 1-624.21. Outplacement services for displaced employees in Fiscal Year 1996.
§ 1-624.22. Transition benefits for displaced employees in Fiscal Year 1996.
§ 1-624.23. Administration of subchapter.
§ 1-624.24. Reports.
Subchapter XXV. Political Rights of Employees. Back to Top
§ 1-625.01. Hatch Act retention.
§ 1-625.02. Protection of political rights of classroom teachers.
Subchapter XXVI. Retirement. Back to Top
§ 1-626.01. Policy.
§ 1-626.02. Retirement systems.
§ 1-626.03. District retirement benefits.
§ 1-626.04. Definitions.
§ 1-626.05. District retirement benefits program.
§ 1-626.06. Contracting authority.
§ 1-626.07. Eligibility.
§ 1-626.08. Rules; eligibility.
§ 1-626.09. Contributions.
§ 1-626.10. Vesting.
§ 1-626.11. Establishment and administration of Section 401(a) Trust.
§ 1-626.12. Payment of benefits.
§ 1-626.13. Duties and liabilities of Trustee; exemptions; violations and sanctions.
§ 1-626.14. Civil actions.
Subchapter XXVII. Temporary Assignment of District Employees. Back to Top
§ 1-627.01. Policy.
§ 1-627.02. Status of District employees while on assignment.
§ 1-627.03. Status of employees of other governments or organizations.
§ 1-627.04. Travel expenses.
§ 1-627.05. Agreements authorized.
§ 1-627.06. Special rules governing the assignment of employees from private sector organizations to the District.
Subchapter XXVIII. Agreements Authorized. Back to Top
§ 1-628.01. Authority.
§ 1-628.02. Agreements required.
§ 1-628.03. Courts.
§ 1-628.04. Transit Commission.
§ 1-628.05. Agreements for disciplinary appeals.
Subchapter XXIX. Employee Debt Set-Offs. Back to Top
§ 1-629.01. Waiver of claims for erroneous employees payments.
§ 1-629.02. Erroneous payments to employees.
§ 1-629.03. Employee debts to District government.
§ 1-629.04. Collection of debts.
§ 1-629.05. Authority to collect infraction fines from responsible District employees.
Subchapter XXX. Elimination of Personal Surety Bonds for District Employees. Back to Top
§ 1-630.01. Policy; agency may not require bonds.
Subchapter XXXI. Records Management and Privacy of Records. Back to Top
§ 1-631.01. Policy; issuance of rules and regulations.
§ 1-631.02. Cooperation with the United States Civil Service Commission.
§ 1-631.03. Disclosure of personnel information.
§ 1-631.04. Rules and regulations affecting disclosure.
§ 1-631.05. Employee access to official personnel record.
§ 1-631.06. Appeals.[Repealed]
§ 1-631.07. Transfer of official personnel folders.
§ 1-631.08. Exchange of official personnel information.
Subchapter XXXII. Implementation; Conforming Amendments and Repealers; Specific Retention of Laws and Authorities; Rules of Construction. Back to Top
§ 1-632.01. Continuation of personnel rules and regulations.
§ 1-632.02. Specific supersession of existing laws and agreements.
§ 1-632.03. Police officers and fire fighters appointed after the date this chapter becomes effective.
§ 1-632.04. [Reserved]
§ 1-632.05. [Reserved]
§ 1-632.06. Express retention of certain District of Columbia laws.
§ 1-632.07. Miscellaneous provisions.
§ 1-632.08. Rules of construction.
Subchapter XXXIII. Appropriations. Back to Top
§ 1-633.01. Authorization of appropriations.
Subchapter XXXIV. Annual Report. Back to Top
§ 1-634.01. Annual report.[Repealed]
Subchapter XXXV. Separability. Back to Top
§ 1-635.01. Separability.
Subchapter XXXVI. Effective Date Provisions; Implementation Task Force. Back to Top
§ 1-636.01. [Reserved]
§ 1-636.02. Effective date provisions.
§ 1-636.03. Implementation Task Force.