• Current through October 23, 2012

By October 1, 2005, all subordinate agencies, other than the Office of the Attorney General, shall transfer to that Office all attorney and support staff employees, personal property, full-time equivalent position authority, assets, records, and all unexpended balances of appropriations, allocations, and other funds available or to be made available relating to the furnishing of legal and other services by the attorneys who were employed by these agencies as of October 20, 2005.

(Mar. 3, 1979, D.C. Law 2-139, § 864, as added Oct. 20, 2005, D.C. Law 16-33, § 3012(j), 52 DCR 7503.)


Emergency Act Amendments

For temporary (90 day) addition, see § 3012(j) of Fiscal Year 2006 Budget Support Emergency Act of 2005 (D.C. Act 16-168, July 26, 2005, 52 DCR 7667).

Legislative History of Laws

For Law 16-33, see notes following § 1-617.17.