• Current through October 23, 2012


(Mar. 3, 1979, D.C. Law 2-139, § 2340, 25 DCR 5740; Sept. 26, 1995, D.C. Law 11-52, § 810(i), 42 DCR 3684; Oct. 3, 2001, D.C. Law 14-28, § 1203(g), 48 DCR 6981.)


Prior Codifications

1981 Ed., § 1-624.40.

1973 Ed., § 1-353.40.

Emergency Act Amendments

For temporary (90 day) repeal of section, see § 1103(g) of Fiscal Year 2002 Budget Support Emergency Act of 2001 (D.C. Act 14-124, August 3, 2001, 48 DCR 7861).

Legislative History of Laws

For legislative history of D.C. Law 2-139, see Historical and Statutory Notes following § 1-601.01.

For legislative history of D.C. Law 10-253, see Historical and Statutory Notes following § 1-623.01.

For legislative history of D.C. Law 11-52, see Historical and Statutory Notes following § 1-623.10.

For Law 14-28, see notes following § 1-604.06.