Title 38. Educational Institutions.

Subtitle I. Public Education-Primary and Secondary. Back to Top
Chapter 1. Public School System.
Chapter 1A. District of Columbia Public Schools.
Chapter 1B. Department of Education.
Chapter 2. Compulsory School Attendance and Expulsion.
Chapter 2A. Pre-Kindergarten Education System.
Chapter 3. Residency Requirement and Nonresident Tuition.
Chapter 3A. Ombudsman for Public Education.
Chapter 4. Use of School Buildings.
Chapter 4A. Office of Public Education Facilities.
Chapter 5. Immunization of School Students.
Chapter 6. Student Health Care.
Chapter 7. Free Textbooks.
Chapter 7A. Financial Literacy in Public School Curriculum.
Chapter 7B. Education Preparedness.
Chapter 8. Public School Food Services.
Chapter 8A. Healthy Schools.
Chapter 9. Miscellaneous Provisions.
Subtitle II. Public Education--Adult and Community. Back to Top
Chapter 10. Fees for Select Adult, Community, and Continuing Education Courses.
Chapter 10A. Adult Technical Career Training.
Subtitle III. Public Education--Post Secondary. Back to Top
Chapter 11. Public Higher Educational Institutions.
Chapter 12. Public Postsecondary Education Reorganization.
Chapter 12A. Community College Independence.
Chapter 13. Education Licensure Commission.
Chapter 14. Medical and Dental Colleges.
Chapter 15. Nurses Training Corps.
Chapter 16. Law School Clinical Programs Funding.[Repealed]
Subtitle IV. Public Education--Charter Schools. Back to Top
Chapter 17. Public Charter Schools.[Repealed]
Chapter 18. District of Columbia School Reform (Public Charter Schools).
Chapter 18A. Miscellaneous Public Charter School Provisions.
Subtitle IV-A. Public Education-School Choice. Back to Top
Chapter 18M. Grants for Tuition to Attend Primary and Secondary Schools in the District.[Repealed]
Chapter 18N. Scholarships for Opportunity and Results.
Subtitle V. Education Personnel. Back to Top
Chapter 19. Teachers, School Officers, and Other Employees in General.
Chapter 20. Retirement of Public School Teachers.
Chapter 21. Interstate Agreement on Qualification of Educational Personnel.
Chapter 22. Computer Literacy and Training for Teachers.[Expired]
Chapter 22A. Housing Support for Teachers.[Not funded]
Subtitle VI. Education for Hearing Impaired Persons. Back to Top
Chapter 23. Gallaudet College.
Chapter 24. Education for the Deaf.
Chapter 24A. American Sign Language Recognition.
Subtitle VII. Special Education. Back to Top
Chapter 25. Special Education and Assessment.
Chapter 25A. Special Education Task Force Establishment.
Chapter 25B. Placement of Students with Disabilities in Nonpublic Schools.
Subtitle VIII. State Level Agencies. Back to Top
Chapter 26. Office of the State Superintendent of Education.
Chapter 26A. State Board of Education.
Subtitle IX. College Access Assistance. Back to Top
Chapter 27. College Access Assistance.
Chapter 27A. Higher Education Financial Assistance.
Subtitle X. School Funding. Back to Top
Chapter 28. School-Based Budgeting and Accountability.
Chapter 29. Uniform Per Student Funding Formula.
Chapter 29A. Financial Management.
Chapter 29B. Public School Capital Spending.
Subtitle XI. Miscellaneous Education Provisions. Back to Top
Chapter 30. Compact for Education of the Education Commission of the States.
Chapter 31. Traffic Control in School Zones.
Chapter 32. Notice Requirement for Facilities Located Near Schools.
Chapter 33. Educational Services for Detained and Committed Youth.