Chapter 8A. Healthy Schools.

Subchapter I. Definitions; Establishment of Healthy Schools Fund. Back to Top
§ 38-821.01. Definitions.
§ 38-821.02. Establishment of the Healthy Schools Fund.
Subchapter II. School Nutrition. Back to Top
§ 38-822.01. Goals.
§ 38-822.02. Nutritional standards for school meals.
§ 38-822.03. Additional requirements for public school meals.
§ 38-822.04. Central kitchen.
§ 38-822.05. Public disclosure.
§ 38-822.06. Healthy vending, fundraising, and prizes in public schools.
§ 38-822.07. Triennial review.
Subchapter III. Farm-To-School Program. Back to Top
§ 38-823.01. Local food sourcing, reimbursement, and education.
§ 38-823.01a. Comprehensive food services plan.
§ 38-823.02. Programs.
§ 38-823.03. Mandatory reporting.
Subchapter IV. Physical and Health Education. Back to Top
§ 38-824.01. Physical activity goals.
§ 38-824.02. Physical and health education requirements.
§ 38-824.02a. Interscholastic athletics plan.
§ 38-824.03. Additional requirements.
§ 38-824.04. Access to public facilities.
§ 38-824.05. Mandatory reporting.
Subchapter V. Environment. Back to Top
§ 38-825.01. Environmental programs office.
§ 38-825.02. Environmental literacy plan.
§ 38-825.03. School Gardens Program.
Subchapter VI. Health and Wellness. Back to Top
§ 38-826.01. Local wellness policies.
§ 38-826.02. School health profiles.
§ 38-826.03. School health centers.
§ 38-826.04. School nurses.
§ 38-826.05. Tobacco-free school campuses.
Subchapter VII. Healthy Youth and Schools Commission. Back to Top
§ 38-827.01. Establishment of the Healthy Youth and Schools Commission.
§ 38-827.02. Composition and organization of the Commission.
§ 38-827.03. Rules of procedure.
§ 38-827.04. Administration.
Subchapter VIII. Rules; Applicability. Back to Top
§ 38-828.01. Rules.
§ 38-828.02. Applicability.