Chapter 1. Public School System.

Subchapter I. General. Back to Top
§ 38-101. Election; term of office; vacancies; meetings.[Repealed]
§ 38-102. General policies; expenditures; appointment of employees.
§ 38-103. Annual estimates.[Repealed]
§ 38-104. Exemption from personal liability and security or bond requirement.
§ 38-105. Superintendent;  appointment;  term of office;  duties.[Repealed]
§ 38-106. Removal of Superintendent.[Repealed]
§ 38-107. Supervisor of Manual Training.
§ 38-108. Classification by correlated subjects.
§ 38-109. Head of department; head teacher; class size limitation.
§ 38-110. Qualifications required of teachers and officials.[Repealed]
§ 38-111. Investigation or trial of teacher.
§ 38-112. Masculine pronoun to include both male and female.
Subchapter I-A. Annual Budget Submission Inclusions. Back to Top
§ 38-121.01. District of Columbia Public Schools use of private funds.
§ 38-121.02. District of Columbia Public Schools performance measures standardization.
Subchapter II. Superintendent. Back to Top
§ 38-131. Provisional duties of the Chancellor.
§ 38-132. Authority of acting Superintendent.
Subchapter III. Miscellaneous Provisions. Back to Top
§ 38-151. Normal schools.
§ 38-152. Education of pages.
§ 38-153. Coordination of municipal programs.
§ 38-154. Annual report and budget revision of the Chancellor.[Repealed]
§ 38-155. Adoption and use of seal.
§ 38-156. Power to raze buildings; limitations.
§ 38-157. Contracting out of food services operations and security services; development of management and data systems.
§ 38-158. Detail of officers to training program.
§ 38-159. Public school enrollment census.
§ 38-160. Public schools Schedule A submission.
§ 38-161. Attendance at Teachers College by foreign students.