Chapter 6. Student Health Care.

Subchapter I. General Provisions. Back to Top
§ 38-601. Definitions.
§ 38-602. Examination requirements; certificates of health, testing for lead poisoning and dental health.
§ 38-603. Exemption for religious beliefs.
§ 38-604. Notice of noncompliance; attendance unaffected.
§ 38-605. Fee for examination by public health authorities; indigency.
§ 38-606. Duty to obtain treatment.
§ 38-607. Student health files.
§ 38-608. Joint administration by Mayor and Board of Education; rules.
§ 38-609. Protection from liability.
§ 38-610. Reporting and studies of lead poisoning tests.
Subchapter II. Public School Nurses. Back to Top
§ 38-621. Assignment to schools; hours; level of services; nurse or athletic trainer at sponsored athletic events; funding.
Subchapter III. Administration of Medication by Public School Employees.[Repealed] Back to Top
§ 38-631. Definitions.[Repealed]
§ 38-632. Administration of medication by a public school employee.[Repealed]
§ 38-633. Requirements for the licensed practitioner.[Repealed]
§ 38-634. Rules and regulations for implementation of subchapter.[Repealed]
Subchapter IV. Administration of Medication by Students and Trained School Employees. Back to Top
§ 38-651.01. Definitions.
§ 38-651.02. Possession and self-administration of medication.
§ 38-651.03. Medication action plan.
§ 38-651.04. Medication administration training program.
§ 38-651.05. Administration of medication.
§ 38-651.06. Administration of medication in emergency circumstances.
§ 38-651.07. Posting of emergency response information.
§ 38-651.08. Maintenance of records.
§ 38-651.09. Storage of medication.
§ 38-651.10. Misuse.
§ 38-651.11. Liability.
§ 38-651.12. Rules.