Chapter 24. Education for the Deaf.

Subchapter I. Gallaudet University; National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Back to Top
Part A. Gallaudet University.
§ 38-2401.01. Continuation of Gallaudet College as Gallaudet University.
§ 38-2401.02. Property rights.
§ 38-2401.03. Board of Trustees.
§ 38-2401.04. Elementary and secondary education programs.
§ 38-2401.05. Agreement with Gallaudet University.
Part B. National Technical Institute for the Deaf.
§ 38-2401.11. Authority.
§ 38-2401.12. Agreement for National Technical Institute for the Deaf.
Subchapter II. General Provisions. Back to Top
§ 38-2402.01. Definitions.
§ 38-2402.02. Gifts.
§ 38-2402.03. Audit.
§ 38-2402.04. Reports.
§ 38-2402.05. Monitoring, evaluation, and reporting.
§ 38-2402.06. Liaison for educational programs.
§ 38-2402.07. Gallaudet University Federal Endowment Program.[Repealed]
§ 38-2402.07a. Federal endowment programs for Gallaudet University and the National Technical Institute for the Deaf.
§ 38-2402.08. National Technical Institute for the Deaf Endowment Program.[Repealed]
§ 38-2402.08a. Scholarship program.
§ 38-2402.09. Oversight and effect of agreements.
§ 38-2402.10. International students.
§ 38-2402.11. Authorization of appropriations.
Subchapter III. Repealed Provisions. Back to Top
§ 38-2411.01. Authority of Gallaudet University.[Repealed]
§ 38-2411.02. Authority of Gallaudet University.[Repealed]
§ 38-2411.03. Agreement with Gallaudet University for model secondary school.[Repealed]
§ 38-2411.04. Commission established.[Repealed]
§ 38-2411.05. Duties of Commission.[Repealed]
§ 38-2411.06. Administrative provisions.[Repealed]
§ 38-2411.07. Compensation of members.[Repealed]
§§ 38-2411.08, 38-2411.09. Renumbered.