Chapter 1. Guardianship of Infants.

Subchapter I. Appointment of Guardian; Bond. Back to Top
§ 21-101. Natural guardians of the person.
§ 21-102. Testamentary guardians of the person.
§ 21-103. Appointment of guardians of the person by court; limitation of number of wards.
§ 21-104. Termination of guardianship of the person.
§ 21-105. Appointment by deed or will for child inheriting from parent.
§ 21-106. Guardian of estate.
§ 21-107. Preferences in appointment of guardian of estate.
§ 21-108. Selection of guardian by infant.
§ 21-109. Spouse as guardian of estate.
§ 21-110. Service on nonresident guardian; failure to give power of attorney.
§ 21-111. Ancillary guardian of estate of nonresident infant.
§ 21-112. Suits by ancillary guardian.
§ 21-113. Enjoining spouse, parent, or testamentary guardian from interfering with minor's estate.
§ 21-114. Bond from parents of child entitled to property.
§ 21-115. Bond of guardian of estate.
§ 21-116. One bond for several wards.
§ 21-117. Additional bond.
§ 21-118. Counter security; petition by surety.
§ 21-119. Allowances made before bond given.
§ 21-120. Settlement of actions involving minor children; appointment of guardian of estate.
Subchapter II. Property of Infants. Back to Top
§ 21-141. Possession of property.
§ 21-142. Inventory.
§ 21-143. Duties; accounts; maintenance and education; sales; compensation.
§ 21-144. Property subject to liens.
§ 21-145. Property subject to executory contract.
§ 21-146. Contract for sale by adult in behalf of himself and infant.
§ 21-147. Sale of infant's principal for maintenance or education.
§ 21-148. Sale or exchange of real estate; proceedings.
§ 21-149. Parties.
§ 21-150. Proof.
§ 21-151. Decree of sale; costs.
§ 21-152. Terms of sale; lien.
§ 21-153. Exchanges; appointment of trustees.
§ 21-154. Ratification of sales by court.
§ 21-155. Sale or exchange of particular estate or remainder; application of income.
§ 21-156. Lease of infant's estate.
§ 21-157. Mortgage of infant's estate.
§ 21-158. Final account.
Subchapter III. Indigent Boys. Back to Top
§ 21-181. Enlistment of indigent minor children.
§ 21-182. Preparation of guardianship papers.