Chapter 17. Restrictions on Tobacco Smoking.

Subchapter I. General. Back to Top
§ 7-1701. Findings and purpose.
§ 7-1702. Definitions.
§ 7-1703. Smoking restrictions.
§ 7-1703.01. Designated nonsmoking areas in restaurants; new construction and major renovation to existing restaurants; smoking areas.
§ 7-1703.02. Regulation of smoking in any District of Columbia workplace.
§ 7-1703.03. Prohibition of employment discrimination on the basis of tobacco use.
§ 7-1703.04. No smoking within 25 feet of property signs.
§ 7-1704. "No Smoking" signs.
§ 7-1705. Enforcement.
§ 7-1706. Penalties.
§ 7-1707. Severability.
§ 7-1708. Exceptions.
§ 7-1709. Tobacco smoking education and smoking cessation programs.
§ 7-1710. Smoking prohibitions pursuant to existing law.
Subchapter IA. Prohibited Sales of Tobacco. Back to Top
§ 7-1721.01. Definitions.
§ 7-1721.02. Sale of tobacco to minors under 18 years of age.
§ 7-1721.03. Purchase or possession of tobacco by minors under 18 years of age; use of false identification.
§ 7-1721.04. Self-service sale of tobacco.
§ 7-1721.05. Package requirements.
§ 7-1721.06. Prohibited sellers.
§ 7-1721.07. Civil penalties.
Subchapter II. Distribution of Free Cigarettes. Back to Top
§ 7-1731. Distribution of free cigarettes prohibited; penalty.
Subchapter III. Fire-Standard-Compliant Cigarettes. Back to Top
§ 7-1751. Definitions.
§ 7-1752. Prohibition on sale of cigarettes that are not fire-standard-compliant.
§ 7-1753. Test method and performance standard.
§ 7-1754. Manufacturer's certification.
§ 7-1755. Manufacturer's data retention and availability requirements.
§ 7-1756. Penalties and remedies.
§ 7-1757. Rules; limitations.