• Current through October 23, 2012

(a) No person, agent, or employee of any person shall, in the course of doing business, distribute any free cigarettes or other tobacco product to any person on any public street, public sidewalk, public park, playground, in a public building, other public property, or private property open to the public, except that free cigarettes or other tobacco products may be distributed at a tobacco store, a convention, or a conference catering to adults.

(b) Any person who violates subsection (a) of this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than $250 for each violation.

(May 2, 1991, D.C. Law 8-262, § 5, 37 DCR 8434.)


Prior Codifications

1981 Ed., § 6-920.1.

Emergency Act Amendments

For temporary (90-day) requirement that certain manufacturers establish a reserve fund, see §§ 2 and 3 of the Tobacco Settlement Model Emergency Act of 1999 (D.C. Act 13-109, June 30, 1999, 46 DCR 5769).

For temporary (90-day) requirement that certain manufacturers establish a reserve fund, see §§ 2 and 3 of the Tobacco Settlement Model Congressional Review Emergency Act of 1999 (D.C. Act 13-139, September 28, 1999, 46 DCR 7963).

Legislative History of Laws

For legislative history of D.C. Law 8-262, see Historical and Statutory Notes following § 7-1703.02.