Title 7. Human Health Care and Safety.

Subtitle A. General. Back to Top
Chapter 1. Public Health.
Chapter 2. Vital Records.
Chapter 2A. Data Sharing.
Chapter 3. Reports of Cancer and Malignant Neoplastic Diseases.
Chapter 4. Limitation on Liability for Medical Care or Assistance in Emergency Situations.
Chapter 5. Programs for Older Citizens.
Chapter 6. Death.
Chapter 6A. Non-Resuscitation Procedures for Emergency Medical Services.
Chapter 7. Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program.
Chapter 7A. Functions of the Department of Health.
Chapter 7B. Health Professional Recruitment Program.
Chapter 7C. Department on Disability Services.
Chapter 7D. Department of Health Care Finance.
Subtitle B. Child and Infant Screening; Early Intervention. Back to Top
Chapter 8. Prevention of Blindness in Infants.
Chapter 8A. Newborn Screening.
Chapter 8B. Newborn Hearing Screening.
Chapter 8C. Early Intervention for Children.
Chapter 8D. Childhood Lead Poisoning Screening and Reporting.
Chapter 8E. Uniform Child Health Screening Requirements.
Subtitle B-I. Blind and Physically Disabled Persons. Back to Top
Chapter 9. Register of Blind Persons.
Chapter 10. Rights of Blind and Physically Disabled Persons.
Subtitle C. Mental Health. Back to Top
Chapter 11. Interstate Compact on Mental Health.
Chapter 11A. Department of Mental Health Establishment.
Chapter 11B. Department of Mental Health Funding Allocation.
Chapter 12. Mental Health Information.
Chapter 12A. Mental Health Consumers' Rights Protection.
Subtitle D. Citizens with Intellectual Disabilities. Back to Top
Chapter 13. Rights of Citizens with Intellectual Disabilities.
Subtitle E. Health Care Safety Net. Back to Top
Chapter 14. Health Care Safety Net Administration.
Subtitle F. Anatomical Parts. Back to Top
Chapter 15. Anatomical Parts.
Subtitle G. AIDS Health Care. Back to Top
Chapter 16. AIDS Health Care.
Subtitle G-I. Vaccinations and Immunizations. Back to Top
Chapter 16A. Human Papillomavirus Vaccination.
Subtitle G-Ii. Use of Marijuana for Medical Treatment. Back to Top
Chapter 16B. Use of Marijuana for Medical Treatment.
Subtitle H. Tobacco Smoking, Sales, Distribution, Regulation, and Settlement. Back to Top
Chapter 17. Restrictions on Tobacco Smoking.
Chapter 18. Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement.
Subtitle I. Protection and Care Systems. Back to Top
Chapter 19. Adult Protective Services.
Chapter 19A. Community Health Care Financing Fund.
Chapter 20. Child Care Services and Facilities.
Chapter 20A. Health Care Ombudsman Program.
Chapter 21. Youth Residential Facilities Licensures.
Chapter 21A. Victims of Sexual Assault Emergency Care.
Subtitle J. Public Safety. Back to Top
Chapter 22. Homeland Security.
Chapter 23. Public Emergencies.
Chapter 23A. Emergency Management Assistance Compact.
Chapter 23B. Emergency Medical Services.
Chapter 23C. Uniform Emergency Volunteer Health Practitioners.
Chapter 24. Nuclear Weapons Freeze.
Chapter 25. Firearms Control.
Chapter 26. Reporting of Injuries Caused by Firearms or Other Dangerous Weapons.
Chapter 27. Health Regulations for Federal Government Restaurants.
Chapter 28. Security and Fire Alarm Systems Regulations.
Chapter 28A. Safe Needle Distribution.
Chapter 28B. Youth Athletic Concussion Protection.
Subtitle K. Health Care System Development Commission. Back to Top
Chapter 29. Health Care System Development Commission.
Subtitle L. Substance Abuse. Back to Top
Chapter 30. Choice in Drug Treatment.
Chapter 31. Substance Abuse Program for Youth.