Chapter 15. Anatomical Parts.

Subchapter I. Prohibition of Buying and Selling of Human Body Parts. Back to Top
§ 7-1501.01. "Human body parts" defined; prohibited acts.
§ 7-1501.02. Penalties; prosecutions.
§ 7-1501.03. Rules.
Subchapter II. Anatomical Gifts.[Repealed] Back to Top
§ 7-1521.01. Definitions; short title.[Repealed]
§ 7-1521.02. Persons eligible to execute gifts; nonacceptance by donee; rights of donee created by gift.[Repealed]
§ 7-1521.03. Persons who may become donees; purposes for which gifts may be made.[Repealed]
§ 7-1521.04. Manner of executing gifts.[Repealed]
§ 7-1521.05. Delivery of documents of gift.[Repealed]
§ 7-1521.06. Amendment or revocation of gift.[Repealed]
§ 7-1521.07. Duties of donee; determination of time of death; immunity.[Repealed]
§ 7-1521.08. Construction.[Repealed]
§ 7-1521.09. Duties of hospitals and hospices.[Repealed]
§ 7-1521.09a. Organ preservation.[Repealed]
§ 7-1521.10. Certificate requirement.[Repealed]
§ 7-1521.10a. Organ preservation.[Repealed]
§ 7-1521.11. Rules.[Repealed]
Subchapter II-A. Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act. Back to Top
§ 7-1531.01. Definitions.
§ 7-1531.02. Applicability.
§ 7-1531.03. Who may make anatomical gift before donor's death.
§ 7-1531.04. Manner of making anatomical gift before donor's death.
§ 7-1531.05. Amending or revoking anatomical gift before donor's death.
§ 7-1531.06. Refusal to make anatomical gift; effect of refusal.
§ 7-1531.07. Preclusive effect of anatomical gift, amendment, or revocation.
§ 7-1531.08. Who may make anatomical gift of decedent's body or part.
§ 7-1531.09. Manner of making, amending, or revoking anatomical gift of decedent's body or part.
§ 7-1531.10. Persons that may receive anatomical gift; purpose of anatomical gift.
§ 7-1531.11. Search and notification.
§ 7-1531.12. Delivery of document of gift not required; right to examine.
§ 7-1531.13. Rights and duties of procurement organization and others.
§ 7-1531.14. Coordination of procurement and use.
§ 7-1531.15. Sale or purchase of parts prohibited.
§ 7-1531.16. Other prohibited acts.
§ 7-1531.17. Immunity.
§ 7-1531.18. Law governing validity; choice of law as to execution of document of gift; presumption of validity.
§ 7-1531.19. Establishment of the donor registry.
§ 7-1531.19a. Access to Registry information.
§ 7-1531.19b. Sources of Registry information; confidentiality.
§ 7-1531.19c. Department of Motor Vehicles transfer of Registry information requirements.
§ 7-1531.19d. Effect of amendment or revocation of anatomical gift upon Registry.
§ 7-1531.19e. Donor status not dependent on being listed in Registry.
§ 7-1531.19f. Rulemaking for Registry.
§ 7-1531.20. Effect of anatomical gift on advance health-care directive.
§ 7-1531.21. Cooperation between the Chief Medical Examiner and procurement organizations.
§ 7-1531.22. Facilitation of anatomical gift from decedent whose body is under jurisdiction of Chief Medical Examiner.
§ 7-1531.23. Uniformity of application and construction.
§ 7-1531.24. Duties of hospitals and hospices.
§ 7-1531.25. Organ preservation.
§ 7-1531.26. Certificate requirement.
§ 7-1531.27. Rules.
§ 7-1531.28. Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act.
Subchapter III. Human Tissue Banks. Back to Top
§ 7-1541.01. Statement of policy and purpose.
§ 7-1541.02. Definitions.
§ 7-1541.03. Licenses.
§ 7-1541.04. Penalties; prosecutions.
§ 7-1541.05. Authorizations by the Chief Medical Examiner.[Repealed]
§ 7-1541.05a. Authority of organ procurement organization acting on behalf of eye bank or tissue bank.
§ 7-1541.06. Exemptions from subchapter.
§ 7-1541.07. Construction.
§ 7-1541.08. Authority of licensed blood banks to transfer blood components within District.
Subchapter III-A. Transfer of Blood Components. Back to Top
§ 7-1551.01. Authority of licensed blood banks to transfer blood components within District.
Subchapter III-B. Blood Donations by Minors. Back to Top
§ 7-1551.31. Minor blood donations.
§ 7-1551.32. Rules.
Subchapter IV. Organ and Tissue Donor Registry.[Repealed] Back to Top
§ 7-1561.01. Establishment of the organ and tissue donor registry.[Repealed]
§ 7-1561.02. Access to Registry information.[Repealed]
§ 7-1561.03. Sources of Registry information.[Repealed]
§ 7-1561.04. Department of Motor Vehicles transfer of information requirements.[Repealed]
§ 7-1561.05. Donor status not dependent on being listed in Registry.[Repealed]
§ 7-1561.06. Rulemaking.[Repealed]