Chapter 27. Housing Finance Agency.

Subchapter I. Policy and Definitions. Back to Top
§ 42-2701.01. Declaration of policy.
§ 42-2701.02. Definitions.
Subchapter II. Establishment of the Agency. Back to Top
§ 42-2702.01. Creation; purpose.
§ 42-2702.02. Board of Directors.
§ 42-2702.03. Executive Director; powers and duties; service as Secretary of Board; other necessary employees; rights and privileges thereof.
§ 42-2702.04. Conflict of interest; disclosure; waiver of bar against participation by interested party.
§ 42-2702.05. Requirement for public official bonding.
§ 42-2702.06. Delegation of Council authority to issue revenue bonds, notes and other obligations for Agency undertakings.
§ 42-2702.07. Agency reports; Council review and approval of proposals.
Subchapter III. Operations of the Agency. Back to Top
§ 42-2703.01. General powers.
§ 42-2703.02. Financing of housing projects.
§ 42-2703.03. Financing of homeownership programs.
§ 42-2703.04. Loans to mortgage lenders; requirements for reinvestment of proceeds by lender.[Repealed]
§ 42-2703.05. Supportive programs.
§ 42-2703.06. Rulemaking.
§ 42-2703.07. Technical assistance, loans, grants and consultant services.
§ 42-2703.08. Exemption from rent control.
Subchapter IV. Financial Affairs of the Agency. Back to Top
§ 42-2704.01. Receipt of funds; disposition thereof.
§ 42-2704.01a. Repayment of funds.
§ 42-2704.02. Issuance of bonds and notes; renewals and refunds; deemed obligations of Agency; negotiable instruments; director, employer, or agent not personally liable.
§ 42-2704.03. Terms for sale of bonds and notes; effect of resolution authorizing sale; pledge of agency and lien thereon; signature valid after officeholder vacates.
§ 42-2704.04. Trust indenture to secure bonds or notes; provisions protecting holders; expenses treated as operating expenses.
§ 42-2704.05. Agency's purchase of its own bonds and notes; maximum price.
§ 42-2704.06. Special or reserve funds; management and investment of funds.
§ 42-2704.07. No limitation, alteration, or impairment of rights and remedies of bondholders and noteholders.
§ 42-2704.08. Faith and credit and taxing power of District not pledged on obligation; statement thereto.
§ 42-2704.09. Bonds and notes as legal investments and securities.
§ 42-2704.10. District tax exemptions; payments in lieu; exceptions.
§ 42-2704.11. Deposits; payments out of accounts; contracts involving monies held in trust or otherwise for payment of notes or bonds.
§ 42-2704.12. Investment of funds with financial institution or company doing business with Republic of South Africa.[Repealed]
§ 42-2704.13. Investment of funds with financial institution or company doing business with Northern Ireland.
Subchapter V. Public Accountability. Back to Top
§ 42-2705.01. Agency actions governed by Administrative Procedure Act.
§ 42-2705.02. Advisory Committees.
§ 42-2705.03. Annual report by Agency; contents.
§ 42-2705.04. Agency to arrange annual audit; transmission to Mayor and Council.
Subchapter VI. Miscellaneous Provisions. Back to Top
§ 42-2706.01. Liberal construction of chapter.
§ 42-2706.02. Severability.
§ 42-2706.03. Allocation of bond issuing authority.
§ 42-2706.04. Disposition of assets on dissolution.
§ 42-2706.05. Laws or acts referred to in this chapter.