Chapter 11. Ejectment and Other Real Property Actions.

Subchapter I. Ejectment. Back to Top
§ 16-1101. Parties defendant; joint tenants and tenants in common.
§ 16-1102. Failure of tenant to give notice to landlord.
§ 16-1103. Contents of complaint; adverse possession.
§ 16-1104. Proof necessary.
§ 16-1105. Legal title in mortgagee or trustee; possession.
§ 16-1106. Performance of contract by vendee as precluding vendor from recovery.
§ 16-1107. Several judgments against defendants occupying distinct parcels.
§ 16-1108. Recovery of less than is claimed.
§ 16-1109. Recovery of mesne profits and damages; separate count.
§ 16-1110. Recovery, by landlord, of furniture, arrears in rent, and damages; separate counts.
§ 16-1111. Separate action for rent or damages.
§ 16-1112. Expiration of title pending suit; damages.
§ 16-1113. Defense of adverse possession; enclosure.
§ 16-1114. Verdict; judgment; costs; future actions.
§ 16-1115. Conclusiveness of final judgment.
§ 16-1116. Improvements; notice; good faith; directions to jury; measure of damages.
§ 16-1117. New trial as to assessment.
§ 16-1118. Judgment for damages in excess of improvements.
§ 16-1119. Judgment when improvements and damages are equal.
§ 16-1120. Election of plaintiff if value of improvements exceeds damages.
§ 16-1121. Judgment and writ of possession after payment for improvements.
§ 16-1122. Judgment and writ of possession after tender of deed and defendant's refusal to pay.
§ 16-1123. Judgment for defendant after plaintiff's refusal to pay excess or tender deed.
§ 16-1124. Ejectment for non-payment of rent; time limitation on relief from judgment; set-off; dismissal upon payment.
Subchapter II. Proceedings to Discover the Death of a Tenant for Life. Back to Top
§ 16-1151. Petition by person entitled to claim; form and contents.
§ 16-1152. Order to produce life tenant; service of order.
§ 16-1153. Failure to produce as ordered; subsequent proceedings; commissioners; presumption of death; right of possession.
§ 16-1154. Investigation outside the District; report to court; presumption of death; right to possession.
§ 16-1155. Restoration of property to life tenant.
§ 16-1156. Recovery of profits by person evicted.
§ 16-1157. Preservation of life tenants' rights if living at time of return.
§ 16-1158. Persons holding over after life estate; damages.