Chapter 10. Proceedings Regarding Intrafamily Offenses.

Subchapter I. Intrafamily Proceedings Generally. Back to Top
§ 16-1001. Definitions.
§ 16-1002. Complaint of criminal conduct.
§ 16-1003. Petition for civil protection.
§ 16-1004. Petition; notice; temporary order.
§ 16-1005. Hearing; evidence; protection order.
§ 16-1006. Jurisdiction.
Subchapter II. Parental Kidnapping. Back to Top
§ 16-1021. Definitions.
§ 16-1022. Prohibited acts.
§ 16-1023. Defense to prosecution; continuous offenses; expenses; jurisdiction.
§ 16-1024. Penalties.
§ 16-1025. Prosecution by Corporation Counsel.
§ 16-1026. Expungement.
Subchapter III. Domestic Violence. Back to Top
§ 16-1031. Arrests.
§ 16-1032. Records.
§ 16-1033. Civil liability.
§ 16-1034. Training program.
Subchapter IV. Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders; Uniform Law. Back to Top
§ 16-1041. Definitions.
§ 16-1042. Judicial enforcement of order.
§ 16-1043. Nonjudicial enforcement of order.
§ 16-1044. Registration of order.
§ 16-1045. Immunity.
§ 16-1046. Other remedies.
§ 16-1047. Uniformity of application and construction.
§ 16-1048. Transitional provision.
Subchapter V. Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board. Back to Top
§ 16-1051. Definitions.
§ 16-1052. Establishment and purpose.
§ 16-1053. Composition of the Board; procedural requirements.
§ 16-1054. Access to information.
§ 16-1055. Subpoena power.
§ 16-1056. Confidentiality of information and proceedings; penalty for unlawful disclosure of information.
§ 16-1057. Immunity.
§ 16-1058. Rules.
§ 16-1059. Sunset.[Repealed]