Chapter 13. Eminent Domain.

Subchapter I. General Provisions. Back to Top
§ 16-1301. Jurisdiction of District Court.
§ 16-1302. Assignment of judge for condemnation cases.
§ 16-1303. Jurisdiction of Superior Court.
Subchapter II. Real Property for District of Columbia. Back to Top
§ 16-1311. Condemnation proceedings by District of Columbia.
§ 16-1312. Juries for condemnation proceedings.
§ 16-1313. Selection of jury; oath of jurors.
§ 16-1314. Declaration of taking; contents; deposit; transfer of title; determination; interest.
§ 16-1315. Distribution of money deposited on declaration of taking; judgment for deficiency or overpayment; execution.
§ 16-1316. Time for surrender of possession under declaration of taking; adjustment of charges.
§ 16-1317. Objections to jurors; appraisement.
§ 16-1318. Objections or exceptions to appraisement; new jury.
§ 16-1319. Payment of award; transfer of title.
§ 16-1320. Fixing time for return of verdict.
§ 16-1321. Abandonment of proceedings; liability.
Subchapter III. Excess Property for Development of Seat of Government. Back to Top
§ 16-1331. Acquisition of property in excess of needs.
§ 16-1332. Sale of excess property; restrictions on use; fair market value; disposition of moneys.
§ 16-1333. Notice of sale of excess property.
§ 16-1334. Retention, for public use, of excess property.
§ 16-1335. Availability of appropriations for purchase of excess property.
§ 16-1336. Condemnation of excess real property by Mayor; payment of awards, damages, and costs; no assessments for benefits.
§ 16-1337. Construction of subchapter.
Subchapter IV. Real Property for United States. Back to Top
§ 16-1351. Definition.
§ 16-1352. Condemnation proceedings by Attorney General.
§ 16-1353. Declaration of taking; contents; deposit; transfer of title; determination; interest.
§ 16-1354. Distribution of money deposited on declaration of taking; judgment for deficiency.
§ 16-1355. Time for surrender of possession under declaration of taking; adjustment of charges.
§ 16-1356. Setting date for trial.
§ 16-1357. Drawing of jurors, and selection of jury; qualifications.
§ 16-1358. Oath of jurors.
§ 16-1359. Inspection of property by jury; presence of parties.
§ 16-1360. Trial; evidence; measure of compensation.
§ 16-1361. Verdict.
§ 16-1362. Fixing date for new trial; new jurors.
§ 16-1363. Judgment.
§ 16-1364. Force and effect of judgment; payment.
§ 16-1365. Appeal; deficiency judgment.
§ 16-1366. Payment of compensation into court; vesting of title.
§ 16-1367. Delivery of possession.
§ 16-1368. Additional powers of court.
Subchapter V. Excess Property for the United States. Back to Top
§ 16-1381. Acquisition of property in excess of needs.
§ 16-1382. Retention, for public use, of excess property.
§ 16-1383. Availability of appropriations for purchases of excess property.
§ 16-1384. Condemnation of excess real property by United States agencies; payment of awards, damages and costs.
§ 16-1385. Construction of subchapter.