Chapter 2. Street and Alley Closing and Acquisition Procedures.

Unit A. Street and Alley Closings. Back to Top
Subchapter I. Definitions.
§ 9-201.01. Definitions.
Subchapter II. Street and Alley Closing Procedures.
§ 9-202.01. Authority of the Council.
§ 9-202.02. Actions required of Mayor prior to consideration of application.
§ 9-202.03. Exceptions from requirement of referral of application to National Capital Planning Commission.
§ 9-202.04. Public hearing required.
§ 9-202.05. Inapplicability of § 9-202.04.
§ 9-202.06. Duties of applicant; Mayor to make available signs and prescribe format for written notice.
§ 9-202.07. Publication of notice of hearing; written notice to involved advisory neighborhood commission.
§ 9-202.08. Disposition of property; use of money received therefrom.
§ 9-202.09. Approval subject to contingencies; relocation assistance.
§ 9-202.10. Required notice of approval to affected property owners.
§ 9-202.11. Judicial proceeding upon filing of objection; damages.
§ 9-202.12. Recordation of closing act and Surveyor's plat; effects of recordation.
§ 9-202.13. Disposition of closing act and plat.
§ 9-202.14. Fee schedule.
§ 9-202.15. Mayor to issue procedures for review by agencies and public utilities.
Subchapter III. New Streets or Alleys.
§ 9-203.01. Scope of Mayor's authority.
§ 9-203.02. Methods of acquisition.
§ 9-203.03. Council acceptance of land dedication.
§ 9-203.04. Minor streets.
§ 9-203.05. Area between property line and building restriction line.
§ 9-203.06. Improvement of street--Prerequisites.
§ 9-203.07. Improvement of street--Rules.
§ 9-203.08. Submission of highway plan.
§ 9-203.09. Official street map; periodic publication; contents; availability.
Subchapter IV. Public Space Names and Commemorative Works.
Part A. Naming of Public Space.
§ 9-204.01. Scope of Council's authority.
§ 9-204.02. System of designations.
§ 9-204.03. Alleys.
§ 9-204.03a. Symbolic names.
§ 9-204.04. Duplicative names prohibited.
§ 9-204.05. Use of living persons' names prohibited; use of deceased persons' names restricted.
§ 9-204.06. Extent of name to be used; use on street signs.
§ 9-204.07. Submission of bill to involved advisory neighborhood commission.
§ 9-204.08. Proposal to name or rename to be submitted to affected property owners.
§ 9-204.09. Rights of certain boards preserved.
Part B. Commemorative Works.
§ 9-204.11. Definitions.
§ 9-204.12. Commemorative Works Committee.
§ 9-204.13. Authority of the Committee.
§ 9-204.14. Applications for commemorative works.
§ 9-204.15. Guidelines for consideration of applications.
§ 9-204.16. Easements for commemorative works.
§ 9-204.17. Issuance of permits.
§ 9-204.18. Deposit for maintenance of commemorative work.
§ 9-204.19. Expiration of approval of commemorative work.
Subchapter V. [Reserved]
Subchapter VI. Miscellaneous Provisions.
§ 9-206.01. Validity of condemnations or closings pursuant to repealed law not affected.
§ 9-206.02. Authority to issue rules.
Unit B. Repealed Provisions. Back to Top
§§ 9-221.01 to 9-221.10. Closings authorized;  disposition of property;  proposed closing of public way--Notice, hearing;  plans;  order;  recordation; in rem proceeding--Instituted upon objection to order;  damages;  assessment of benefits;  abandonment;  petition by property owners for closing;  prior laws to remain in force;  short title.[Repealed]