Chapter 1. Highway Plans.

Subchapter I. General. Back to Top
§ 9-101.01. Control and repair of streets.
§ 9-101.02. Jurisdiction over public roads and bridges.
§ 9-101.03. Certain public roads declared public highways.
§ 9-101.04. Abandonment or readjustment of streets to provide ground for educational, religious, or similar institutions.[Repealed]
§ 9-101.05. Use of property by owner until condemnation.
§ 9-101.06. Public notice of proposed plan.
§ 9-101.07. Beatty and Hawkins's Addition to Georgetown.
§ 9-101.08. Reversion of title upon abandonment of streets.
§ 9-101.09. Resubdivision of property affected by highway plan pending condemnation proceedings.
§ 9-101.10. Street, avenue, or public thoroughfare prohibited within 1,000 feet of Naval Observatory.
§ 9-101.11. Massachusetts Avenue through grounds of United States Naval Observatory.
§ 9-101.12. New highway plans authorized.
§ 9-101.13. Subdivision to conform to plan of Washington.
§ 9-101.14. District authorized to use certain land owned by United States for street purposes.
§ 9-101.15. Right-of-way over Michigan Avenue to Washington Railway and Electric Company.
§ 9-101.16. Highway construction program authorized.
§ 9-101.17. Use of land in squares 354 and 355 for Southwest Freeway and for redevelopment of Southwest area of District.
§ 9-101.18. Authority to acquire and transfer to Secretary of the Interior real property in exchange for real property transferred to the District; payments in lieu of transfer of property.
Subchapter II. Permanent Highway Plan. Back to Top
§ 9-103.01. Width of highways.
§ 9-103.02. Preparation by Mayor; maps.
§ 9-103.03. Adoption of subdivision by reference.
§ 9-103.04. Entry upon property for survey authorized.
§ 9-103.05. Council authorized to name streets.[Repealed]
§ 9-103.06. Inapplicability of §§ 9-103.01 to 9-103.05 to Interstate System.
Subchapter III. Relocation of Michigan Avenue. Back to Top
§ 9-105.01. Relocation of Michigan Avenue authorized.
§ 9-105.02. Use of part of Soldiers' Home for street purposes.
§ 9-105.03. Portion of Michigan Avenue abandoned.
§ 9-105.04. Plats showing relocation of Michigan Avenue.
Subchapter IV. Federal-Aid Highway Projects. Back to Top
Part A. General.
§ 9-107.01. Authority to provide payments and services.
§ 9-107.02. Authority to pay public utility relocation expenses; definitions.
§ 9-107.03. Contract authority.
§ 9-107.04. Grade crossing elimination projects.
Part B. Transportation Infrastructure Improvement Garvee Bonding Financing.
§ 9-107.51. Definitions.
§ 9-107.52. Bond authorization.
§ 9-107.53. Creation of the Transportation Infrastructure Improvement Fund.
§ 9-107.54. Payment and security.
§ 9-107.55. Bond details.
§ 9-107.56. Issuance of the GARVEE Bonds.
§ 9-107.57. Financing and Closing Documents.
§ 9-107.58. Limited liability.
§ 9-107.59. District officials.
§ 9-107.60. Maintenance of documents.
§ 9-107.61. Information reporting.
§ 9-107.62. Authority of the Chief Financial Officer.
Subchapter V. Emergency Highway Relief. Back to Top
§ 9-109.01. District of Columbia emergency highway relief.
§ 9-109.02. Dedicated highway fund and repayment of temporary waiver amounts.
§ 9-109.03. Additional requirements.
Subchapter VI. Highway Trust Fund. Back to Top
§ 9-111.01. District of Columbia Highway Trust Fund.
§ 9-111.01a. Local Transportation Fund.
§ 9-111.01b. Local Roads Construction and Maintenance Fund--dedicated revenue.[Repealed]
§ 9-111.01c. Cost-transfer projects.
Subchapter VI-A. Fund Reporting Requirement. Back to Top
§ 9-111.31. Reporting requirements.
Subchapter VII. Repealed Provisions. Back to Top
§ 9-113.01. Abutment of Highway Bridge.[Repealed]
§ 9-113.02. Boundaries of public highways to be permanently marked.[Repealed]
§ 9-113.03. Council may change names of streets when 2 streets have same name.[Repealed]
§ 9-113.04. Acceptance of dedicated streets; building restriction lines; right-of-way for sewers and water mains.[Repealed]
§§ 9-113.05, 9-113.06. Certain roads authorized to be closed--Title to revert; filing of plat; apportionment of property.[Repealed]
Subchapter VIII. Council Review of the Planned Use of Klingle Road, NW. Back to Top
Part A. Council Review.
§ 9-115.01. Plan for future use of Klingle Road.
§ 9-115.02. Expenditure of funds for Klingle Road.
Part B. Klingle Road Restoration.
§ 9-115.11. Re-opening of Klingle Road.