Chapter 10. Community Development.

Subchapter I. General. Back to Top
§ 6-1001. Findings and objectives.
§ 6-1002. Community Development Program--Annual preparation and submission to Council; content; public hearings.
§ 6-1003. Community Development Program--Activities permitted.
§ 6-1004. Community Development Program--Implementation.
§ 6-1005. Acquisition and disposition of real property.
§ 6-1006. Rehabilitation of private property; loans and grants; insurance; determination of public use.
§ 6-1007. Construction; severability.
Subchapter II. Housing and Community Development Reform Advisory Commission. Back to Top
§ 6-1031. Short title.
§ 6-1032. Establishment of the Housing and Community Development Reform Advisory Commission; membership; chairperson.
§ 6-1033. Responsibilities of the Commission; report.
§ 6-1034. Authorities and resources of the Commission.
§ 6-1035. Procedures of the Commission.
§ 6-1036. Funding; no compensation for members.
§ 6-1037. Dissolution of Commission.
Subchapter II-A. Inclusionary Zoning Implementation. Back to Top
§ 6-1041.01. Definitions.
§ 6-1041.02. Unlawful acts.
§ 6-1041.03. Establishment of maximum rent and purchase price; publication requirement.
§ 6-1041.04. Enforcement.
§ 6-1041.05. Certificate of Inclusionary Zoning Compliance.
§ 6-1041.06. Ineligibility of students.
§ 6-1041.07. Authority and responsibilities of the Mayor.
§ 6-1041.08. Agency responsibilities.
§ 6-1041.09. Annual reports.
Subchapter III. Comprehensive Housing Strategy Task Force. Back to Top
§ 6-1051. Establishment of Comprehensive Housing Strategy Task Force; composition.
§ 6-1052. Development of the comprehensive housing strategy.
§ 6-1053. Presentation of Comprehensive Housing Strategy; public meetings.
§ 6-1054. Reporting and updating requirements; annual report.
Subchapter III-A. Workforce Housing Production Program. Back to Top
Part A. Workforce Housing Land Trust Design and Implementation Plan Approved.
§ 6-1061.01. Findings.
§ 6-1061.02. Establishment of land trust and pilot program.
§ 6-1061.03. Approval of the Plan.
§ 6-1061.04. Authority to transfer moneys from the Housing Production Trust Fund and the industrial revenue bond special account.
Part B. New Town at Capital City Market Development.
§ 6-1062.01. Short title.
§ 6-1062.02. Definitions.
§ 6-1062.03. Findings.
§ 6-1062.04. Office of Planning.
§ 6-1062.05. Authority of the Deputy Mayor for Economic Development.
§ 6-1062.06. Development of conceptual plan.
§ 6-1062.07. Eminent domain.
Subchapter IV. Neighborhood Investment Program. Back to Top
§ 6-1071. Creation of Neighborhood Investment Fund.
§ 6-1072. Neighborhood Investment Program.
§ 6-1073. Neighborhood Investment Program Target Areas.