Chapter 11. Historic Landmark and Historic District Protection.

Subchapter I. General Provisions. Back to Top
§ 6-1101. Declaration and purposes.
§ 6-1102. Definitions.
§ 6-1103. Historic Preservation Review Board.
§ 6-1104. Demolitions.
§ 6-1104.01. Maintenance of property.[Repealed]
§ 6-1104.02. Prevention of demolition by neglect.[Repealed]
§ 6-1104.03. Revolving fund.[Repealed]
§ 6-1105. Alterations.
§ 6-1106. Subdivisions.
§ 6-1107. New construction.
§ 6-1108. Application for preliminary review.
§ 6-1108.01. Conceptual review of public safety facilities.
§ 6-1108.02. Effect of District undertaking; comment by State Historic Preservation Officer.
§ 6-1109. Regulations.
§ 6-1109.01. Violations.
§ 6-1109.02. Maintenance of property.
§ 6-1109.03. Prevention of demolition by neglect.
§ 6-1109.04. Annual notice to property owners.
§ 6-1110. Penalties; remedies; enforcement.
§ 6-1110.01. Historic Landmark-District Protection Fund; establishment.
§ 6-1110.02. Targeted Homeowner Grant Program.
§ 6-1111. Insanitary and unsafe buildings.
§ 6-1112. Administrative procedures.
§ 6-1113. Annual report.
§ 6-1114. Severability.
§ 6-1115. Effective date.
Subchapter II. Historic Rhodes Tavern. Back to Top
§ 6-1131. Declaration of policy.
§ 6-1132. Establishment of Advisory Board.
§ 6-1133. Duties of Advisory Board.
Subchapter III. New Washington Convention Center Neighborhood Stability  .[Expired] Back to Top
§ 6-1151. [Expired]
§ 6-1152. [Expired]
§ 6-1153. [Expired]
§ 6-1154. [Expired]
§ 6-1155. [Expired]
§ 6-1156. [Expired]
§ 6-1157. [Expired]