Chapter 26. Regulation of Parking.

Subchapter I. General Provisions. Back to Top
§ 50-2601. Findings and declaration of necessity.
§ 50-2602. Definitions.
§ 50-2603. Power of Mayor to acquire property; construct and maintain parking facilities; dispose of property; establish rates; install parking meters; make street improvements.
§ 50-2604. Motor Vehicle Parking Agency; creation and composition; term; powers.[Repealed]
§ 50-2605. Establishment of parking facilities.
§ 50-2606. Records and data available; additional surveys.
§ 50-2607. Deposit of fees and moneys into General Fund.
§ 50-2608. Appropriations; employment of director; salaries of members of agency.
§ 50-2609. Acquisition of new parking facilities prohibited; operation and expansion of existing facilities; exempt facilities.[Repealed]
§ 50-2610. Rulemaking; Council review for 18 DCMR § 2407.
Subchapter II. Parking on Property Controlled by the United States. Back to Top
§ 50-2621. Vehicles impounded; abandoned and junk vehicles; penalties.[Repealed]
§ 50-2622. Notice to owner of abandoned or junk vehicle taken into custody.[Repealed]
§ 50-2623. Sale of abandoned vehicle at public auction; disposal of junk vehicles; disposition of proceeds.[Repealed]
§ 50-2624. Administrator of General Services to enforce regulations.
Subchapter III. Miscellaneous. Back to Top
§ 50-2631. Parking space for members of Congress.
§ 50-2632. Parking of automobiles in Municipal Center; regulations; violations and penalties.
§ 50-2633. Parking meters.[Repealed]
§ 50-2633.01. Parking meter fee moratorium; exceptions.
§ 50-2634. Parking adjacent to neighborhood commercial centers.
Subchapter IV. Citizens' Advisory Task Force.[Expired] Back to Top
§ 50-2641. [Expired]
Subchapter V. Curbside Loading Zones. Back to Top
§ 50-2651. Curb loading zone management program.
§ 50-2652. Rules.