Chapter 34. Rental Housing Conversion and Sale.

Subchapter I. Findings; Purposes; Definitions. Back to Top
§ 42-3401.01. Findings.
§ 42-3401.02. Purposes.
§ 42-3401.03. Definitions.
§ 42-3401.04. Applicability of Rental Housing Act of 1985.
Subchapter II. Conversion Procedures. Back to Top
§ 42-3402.01. Short title.
§ 42-3402.02. Conversions.
§ 42-3402.03. Tenant election.
§ 42-3402.04. Conversion fee.
§ 42-3402.05. Certification fee.
§ 42-3402.05a. Application fees.
§ 42-3402.06. Cooperative conversion.
§ 42-3402.07. [Reserved]
§ 42-3402.08. Elderly or disabled tenancy.
§ 42-3402.09. Property tax abatement.
§ 42-3402.10. Exceptions to coverage of subchapter: expiration provisions.
§ 42-3402.11. Retroactive conversion.
Subchapter III. Relocation Assistance. Back to Top
§ 42-3403.01. Short title.
§ 42-3403.02. Relocation payment.
§ 42-3403.03. Relocation services.
§ 42-3403.04. Housing assistance payments.
§ 42-3403.05. Payments not subject to District tax.
§ 42-3403.06. Tenant rights.
§ 42-3403.07. Housing assistance fund.[Repealed]
§ 42-3403.08. Information and technical assistance.
§ 42-3403.09. Expiration provisions.
Subchapter IV. Opportunity to Purchase. Back to Top
§ 42-3404.01. Short title.
§ 42-3404.02. Tenant opportunity to purchase; "sale" defined.
§ 42-3404.02a. Registration of a tenant organization.
§ 42-3404.03. Offer of sale.
§ 42-3404.04. Third party rights.
§ 42-3404.05. Contract negotiation.
§ 42-3404.06. Exercise or assignment of rights.
§ 42-3404.07. Waiver of rights.
§ 42-3404.08. Right of first refusal.
§ 42-3404.09. Single-family accommodations.
§ 42-3404.10. Accommodations with 2 through 4 units.
§ 42-3404.11. Accommodations with 5 or more units.
§ 42-3404.12. Exceptions to coverage of subchapter; expiration provisions.
§ 42-3404.13. Notice to convert; offer to sell.
Subchapter IV-A. District's Opportunity to Purchase. Back to Top
§ 42-3404.31. District's opportunity to purchase certain housing accommodations.
§ 42-3404.32. Limitations on the District's opportunity to purchase.
§ 42-3404.33. Limitations on the District as purchaser of a housing accommodation.
§ 42-3404.34. Procedure for District to effectuate purchase.
§ 42-3404.35. Rights of tenants not abrogated.
§ 42-3404.36. Assignment of District rights.
§ 42-3404.37. Rules.
Subchapter V. Implementation and Enforcement. Back to Top
§ 42-3405.01. Rule making; publication requirements.
§ 42-3405.02. Time periods.
§ 42-3405.03. Civil cause of action.
§ 42-3405.03a. Declaratory relief.
§ 42-3405.03b. Choice of forum; standard of review.
§ 42-3405.04. Notice of rejection.
§ 42-3405.05. Investigations.
§ 42-3405.06. Enforcement.
§ 42-3405.07. Revocation.
§ 42-3405.08. Administrative proceedings.
§ 42-3405.09. Judicial review.
§ 42-3405.10. Penalties.
§ 42-3405.10a. Rental Housing Conversion and Sale Act Task Force.
§ 42-3405.11. Statutory construction.
§ 42-3405.12. Declaration of continuing housing crisis.
§ 42-3405.13. Severability.