Chapter 24. Water Supply, Assessments, and Rates.

Subchapter I. General Provisions. Back to Top
§ 34-2401.01. Mayor to have power to erect water mains, pipes, and fireplugs.
§ 34-2401.02. Operations of Water Department to be under direction of Engineer's Office.
§ 34-2401.03. Water supply; rules and regulations.
§ 34-2401.04. Fiscal year of Water Department.
§ 34-2401.05. Payment of rates for water and water service.
§ 34-2401.06. Change of ownership or occupancy; statement of account.
§ 34-2401.07. Water main taxes and rents to be uniform.
§ 34-2401.08. Department of Environmental Services.
§ 34-2401.09. Refund of overpaid assessments.
§ 34-2401.10. Water rents--Refund for erroneous payment.
§ 34-2401.11. Mayor to have authority to collect water rates in advance.
§ 34-2401.12. Water rates not to be a source of revenue.
§ 34-2401.13. Payment of water tax into General Fund.[Repealed]
§ 34-2401.14. Payment of water rents from Washington Aqueduct into General Fund.
§ 34-2401.15. Water not to be diverted beyond District.
§ 34-2401.16. Delivery of water--Nearby Maryland; contract.
§ 34-2401.17. Delivery of water--Arlington County, Virginia.
§ 34-2401.18. "Mayor," "District of Columbia water system" defined.
§ 34-2401.19. Acquisition of land and right-of-way for pipelines.
§ 34-2401.20. Unlawful tapping of water pipe; penalty.
§ 34-2401.21. Notification of violations.
§ 34-2401.22. Penalty for damaging or defacing water pipes.
§ 34-2401.23. Main pipes; laying for use of public buildings.
§ 34-2401.24. Unauthorized opening of mains or pipes.
§ 34-2401.25. Water and water service supplied for the use of the government of the United States.
§ 34-2401.25a. Permitting authority to install meters.
§ 34-2401.26. Contract authority of Mayor regarding costs of Potomac River reservoir; contract payments; appropriations.
§ 34-2401.27. Acquisition of land for Washington Aqueduct.
Subchapter II. Prevention of Water Waste; Water Use by Manufacturers. Back to Top
§ 34-2403.01. Prevention of water waste.
§ 34-2403.02. Use of Potomac water for mechanical and manufacturing purposes.
§ 34-2403.03. Large-quantity consumers to maintain water meters.
Subchapter III. Water Mains. Back to Top
§ 34-2405.01. Water mains and service sewers erected at discretion of Mayor; costs assessed against abutting property.
§ 34-2405.02. Assessments for water mains.
§ 34-2405.03. Notice of assessments.
§ 34-2405.04. Water main and service sewer assessments payable in three installments.
§ 34-2405.05. Assessment of property in County of Washington for water mains and service sewers.
§ 34-2405.06. Relevying assessments when assessments declared void.
§ 34-2405.07. Disposal of funds received by Collector of Taxes.
§ 34-2405.08. "Service sewer" defined.
Subchapter IV. Discontinuance of Service. Back to Top
§ 34-2407.01. Discontinuance of water service for failure to pay water charges.
§ 34-2407.02. Lien for water charges.
§ 34-2407.03. Remedies not exclusive.
Subchapter V. Fireplug Tax. Back to Top
§ 34-2409.01. Levy permitted.
§ 34-2409.02. Rates.
§ 34-2409.03. Cessation upon introduction of water.
§ 34-2409.04. Levy upon discontinuance of water service.
Subchapter V-A. Private Fire Hydrants. Back to Top
§ 34-2410.01. Definitions.
§ 34-2410.02. Private fire hydrants.
§ 34-2410.03. Maintenance of private fire hydrants.
§ 34-2410.04. Inspection of private fire hydrants.
§ 34-2410.05. Private fire hydrants: determination of ownership.
§ 34-2410.06. Limitations on responsibility for maintenance, repair, and replacement of private fire hydrants.
Subchapter VI. Delivery of Water. Back to Top
§ 34-2411.01. Delivery of water--Falls Church, Virginia, and adjacent areas; installation expenses; payments; revocation of permit.
§ 34-2411.02. Investigation of distribution systems outside District of Columbia.
§ 34-2411.03. Acquiring of lands for pipelines authorized.
Subchapter VII. Repealed Provisions. Back to Top
§ 34-2413.01. Rates.[Repealed]
§ 34-2413.02. Nonprofit housing developments--Eligibility for rate reduction.[Repealed]
§ 34-2413.03. Nonprofit housing developments--Forgiveness of outstanding charges.[Repealed]
§ 34-2413.04. Nonprofit housing developments--Rules.[Repealed]
§ 34-2413.05. Nonprofit housing developments--Submission of wilful false statements.[Repealed]
§ 34-2413.06. Nonprofit housing developments--Definitions.[Repealed]
§ 34-2413.07. Increase.[Repealed]
§ 34-2413.08. Council authorized to fix water rates.[Repealed]
§ 34-2413.09. Water and water service rates and charges.[Repealed]
§ 34-2413.10. Additional charge on unpaid water bills.[Repealed]
§ 34-2413.11. Potomac water to be furnished to charitable institutions without charge.[Repealed]