Title 34. Public Utilities.

Subtitle I. Applicable Provisions Generally. Back to Top
Chapter 1. Applicability of Subtitle.
Chapter 2. Definitions Applicable to Subtitle.
Chapter 3. Gas and Electric Corporations.
Chapter 4. General Provisions.
Chapter 5. Issuance of Securities.
Chapter 6. Orders and Court Proceedings.
Chapter 7. Penal Provisions.
Chapter 8. Public Service Commission; Members; Counsel; Employees.
Chapter 9. Rates, Examinations, Investigations, and Hearings.
Chapter 10. Sale and Merger of Utilities.
Chapter 11. Service, Valuation, Accounts.
Subtitle II. Cable Television. Back to Top
Chapter 12. Cable Television.
Subtitle III. Electricity. Back to Top
Chapter 13. Cogeneration Facilities Appropriateness Standards.[Repealed]
Chapter 14. Electric Light and Power Companies.
Chapter 14A. Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards.
Chapter 15. Retail Electric Competition and Consumer Protection.
Subtitle IIIA. Electrical and Natural Gas Metering. Back to Top
Chapter 15A. Installation of Submetering Equipment.
Chapter 15B. Advanced Metering Infrastructure.
Subtitle IV. Natural Gas. Back to Top
Chapter 16. Gas Companies.
Chapter 16A. Unauthorized Switching of Customer Natural Gas Accounts.[Repealed]
Chapter 16B. Natural Gas Trust Fund.
Chapter 16C. Retail Natural Gas Supplier Licensing and Consumer Protection.
Subtitle V. Telecommunications. Back to Top
Chapter 17. Ban on Automated Dialing Systems.
Chapter 17A. Digital Inclusion.
Chapter 18. Emergency and Non-Emergency Number Telephone System Assessments Fund.
Chapter 18A. Pay Telephones.
Chapter 19. Telegraph and Telephone Companies.
Chapter 20. Telecommunications Competition.
Subtitle VI. Water and Sewer. Back to Top
Chapter 21. Sanitary Sewage Works.
Chapter 21A. Lead Service Line Replacement Assistance.
Chapter 22. Water and Sewer Authority.
Chapter 23. Water and Sewer Services Amnesty Program, Receivership Provision, and Administrative Review.
Chapter 24. Water Supply, Assessments, and Rates.
Subtitle VII. Miscellaneous. Back to Top
Chapter 25. Private Conduits.
Chapter 26. Public Utility Environmental Impact Statement Requirements.
Chapter 27. Underground Facilities Protection.