Chapter 4. Street Repair and Construction.

Subchapter I. General. Back to Top
§ 9-401.01. Cost of construction and repairs; payments.
§ 9-401.02. Removal of street railway tracks.
§ 9-401.03. Water and gas mains, service pipes, and sewer connections.
§ 9-401.04. Assessments for sidewalks and curbing.
§ 9-401.05. Mayor to submit schedules of streets to be improved.
§ 9-401.06. Improvement and repairs of alleys and sidewalks; construction of sewers and sidewalks.
§ 9-401.07. Repayments from Permit Fund.
§ 9-401.08. Service connections with water mains and sewer.
§ 9-401.09. Paving or resurfacing roadway of streets, avenues, and roads.
§ 9-401.10. Assessments for costs of paving streets.
§ 9-401.11. Width of pavement of streets.
§ 9-401.12. Minor changes in roadway width.
§ 9-401.13. Use of bituminous macadam authorized.
§ 9-401.14. Use of portable asphalt plant.
§ 9-401.15. Unexpended allotments for street paving made available for succeeding year.
§ 9-401.16. Limitation on contracts of Mayor.
§ 9-401.17. Contracts for repairs not to exceed 5 years.
§ 9-401.18. Exemptions of abutting property from deposits and assessments.
Subchapter II. Special Assessments. Back to Top
§ 9-411.01. Special assessments for curbs and gutters levied.
§ 9-411.02. Computation.
§ 9-411.03. Property abutting 2 or more streets, avenues, or roads.
§ 9-411.04. Roadway improvements and curbs and gutters completed after May 25, 1943.
Subchapter III. Assessment When Roadway Paved. Back to Top
§ 9-421.01. Amount assessed; levied pro rata.
§ 9-421.02. Assessment for gutters and curbs.
§ 9-421.03. Certain roadway improvements excepted.
§ 9-421.04. Limitations on assessments; computation.
§ 9-421.05. Property exempt where prior assessment paid.
§ 9-421.06. Property exempt where prior roadway improvement made at owner's expense.
§ 9-421.07. Exemption for resurfacing by heater method.
§ 9-421.08. Property abutting 2 or more streets.
§ 9-421.09. Collection; interest; exception to requirement of advertising.
§ 9-421.10. Protest by property owner.
§ 9-421.11. Cancellation of prior assessments; reassessments; refunds.
§ 9-421.12. Assessment when roadway paved--Severability.
§ 9-421.13. Applicability to assessments levied prior to 1885.
Subchapter III-A. Sidewalk Installation, Safety, and Accessibility. Back to Top
§ 9-425.01. Sidewalk installation requirements.
§ 9-425.02. Notice and design requirements.
§ 9-425.03. Exemptions.
Subchapter IV. Cutting of Trenches. Back to Top
Part A. Cutting Trenches in Highways, 1898.
§ 9-431.01. Permit required; exceptions.
§ 9-431.02. Penalty; prosecution.
Part B. Cutting Trenches in Highways, 2000.
§ 9-433.01. Permit required; exceptions.
§ 9-433.02. Penalty; prosecution.
Subchapter V. Repealed Provisions. Back to Top
§§ 9-451.01 to 9-451.03. Contracts for repair or construction of streets, avenues, alleys, or sewers--Advertisement; lowest responsible bidder accepted; consent of Mayor required; contracts copied into book; pavement material; contractors' bonds and payments.[Repealed]