Subchapter VII. Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance.

Part A. Establishment and Organization of Authority. Back to Top
§ 47-391.01. District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance Authority.
§ 47-391.02. Executive Director and staff of Authority.
§ 47-391.03. Powers of Authority.
§ 47-391.04. Exemption from liability for claims for authority employees.
§ 47-391.05. Treatment of actions arising from act.
§ 47-391.06. Funding for operation of Authority.
§ 47-391.07. Suspension of activities.
§ 47-391.08. Application of laws of District of Columbia to Authority.
§ 47-391.09. Chief Management Officer.
Part B. Establishment and Enforcement of Financial Plan and Budget for District Government. Back to Top
§ 47-392.01. Development of financial plan and budget for District of Columbia.
§ 47-392.02. Process for submission and approval of financial plan and annual District budget.
§ 47-392.03. Review of activities of district government to ensure compliance with approved financial plan and budget.
§ 47-392.04. Restrictions on borrowing by District during control year.
§ 47-392.05. Deposit of annual federal contribution with Authority.
§ 47-392.06. Effect of finding of non-compliance with financial plan and budget.
§ 47-392.07. Recommendations on financial stability and management responsibility.
§ 47-392.08. Special rules for Fiscal Year 1996.
§ 47-392.09. Control periods described.
§ 47-392.10. [Reserved]
Part C. Issuance of Bonds. Back to Top
§ 47-392.11. Authority to issue bonds.
§ 47-392.12. Pledge of security interest in revenues of District government.
§ 47-392.13. Establishment of debt service reserve fund.
§ 47-392.14. Other requirements for issuance of bonds.
§ 47-392.15. No full faith and credit of the United States.
§ 47-392.16. [Reserved]
§ 47-392.17. [Reserved]
§ 47-392.18. [Reserved]
§ 47-392.19. [Reserved]
§ 47-392.20. [Reserved]
Part D. Other Duties of Authority. Back to Top
§ 47-392.21. Duties of Authority during year other than control year.
§ 47-392.22. General assistance in achieving financial stability and management efficiency.
§ 47-392.23. Obtaining reports.
§ 47-392.24. Reports and comments.
§ 47-392.25. Disposition of certain school property.
§ 47-392.26. Prohibiting funding for terminated employees or contractors.
Part E. Definitions. Back to Top
§ 47-393. Definitions.
Part F. Miscellaneous Provisions. Back to Top
§ 47-395. Review and revision of regulations; permit and application processes.