Chapter 3. Budget and Financial Management; Borrowing; Deposit of Funds.

Subchapter I. Budget and Financial Management. Back to Top
§ 47-301. [Reserved]
§ 47-301.01. Submission of annual expense estimates by court-appointed receivers.
§ 47-302. [Reserved]
§ 47-303. [Reserved]
§ 47-304. [Reserved]
§ 47-305. [Reserved]
§ 47-305.01. Revenue from public rights-of-way included in budget submission.
§ 47-305.02. Minimum funding for Office of Public Education Facilities Modernization's capital budgets to be included in budget and financial plan.[Repealed]
§ 47-306. Submission and approval of gross planning budget.
§ 47-307. Submission of control budget.
§ 47-308. Establishment of budget structure.
§ 47-308.01. Performance-based budget.
§ 47-308.02. Relevant performance measures.
§ 47-308.03. Performance accountability reporting.
§ 47-309. Borrowing of funds by Mayor.
§ 47-310. [Reserved]
§ 47-310.01. Financial Reports by Mayor.
§ 47-310.02. Schedule and notice requirement for completion of Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
§ 47-311. Estimate of expenditures by Mayor.
§ 47-312. [Reserved]
§ 47-313. [Reserved]
§ 47-313.01. Source of payment for employees detailed within government.
§§ 47-314 to 47-317. Office of Financial Management established; duties and responsibilities of Assistant City Administrator for Financial Management and Treasurer; transfer of powers, duties and functions to Treasurer; transfer of resources to Office.[Repealed]
Subchapter I-A. Chief Financial Officer of the District of Columbia. Back to Top
§ 47-317.01. [Reserved]
§ 47-317.02. [Reserved]
§ 47-317.03. [Reserved]
§ 47-317.03a. Chief Financial Officer--Powers during control periods.
§ 47-317.04. [Reserved]
§ 47-317.04a. Chief Financial Officer--Authorization to privatize tax administration and collection.
§ 47-317.05. [Reserved]
§ 47-317.06. [Reserved]
§ 47-317.07. SHARE Data Center.
§ 47-317.08. Compliance and Real Property Tax Administration Fund.[Repealed]
Subchapter I-B. Financial Accountability and Management. Back to Top
§ 47-318. Definitions.
§ 47-318.01. Mayoral budget submissions required; accounting of expenditures.
§ 47-318.01a. Mayoral budget submission required; consistency of budget submission with previous fiscal year spending.
§ 47-318.01b. Legislative branch budget submission.
§ 47-318.02. Mayoral budget submissions required; accounting of expenditures--Budget request and multiyear plan.
§ 47-318.03. Mayoral budget submissions required; accounting of expenditures--Gap-closing actions.
§ 47-318.04. Mayoral budget submissions required; accounting of expenditures--Deadline for gap-closing submission.
§ 47-318.05. Mayoral budget submissions required; accounting of expenditures--Cash flow statements.
§ 47-318.05a. Budget submissions required; agency enhancement requests.
§ 47-318.06. Monitoring indications of economic growth.
Subchapter I-C. Monitoring Committee. Back to Top
§ 47-319.01. Establishment of the Initiative Implementation Monitoring Committee; duties.
§ 47-319.02. Composition.
§ 47-319.03. Compensation.
§ 47-319.04. Reports.
Subchapter II. Borrowing. Back to Top
§ 47-321. [Reserved]
§ 47-322. [Reserved]
§ 47-323. [Reserved]
§ 47-324. [Reserved]
§ 47-325. [Reserved]
§ 47-326. [Reserved]
§ 47-327. [Reserved]
§ 47-328. [Reserved]
§ 47-329. [Reserved]
§ 47-330. [Reserved]
§ 47-331. [Reserved]
§ 47-332. [Reserved]
§ 47-333. [Reserved]
§ 47-334. Definitions.
§ 47-335. Permissible security.
§ 47-335.01. Borrowing of funds for capital projects.
§ 47-335.02. Borrowing limitation.
Subchapter II-A. Capital Review and Debt Affordability. Back to Top
§ 47-336. Definitions.
§ 47-337. Capital Review and Debt Affordability Committee.
§ 47-338. Duties of the Committee.
§ 47-339. Preliminary capital budget and multiyear capital improvements plan.
§ 47-339.01. Capital projects.
§ 47-340. Notation of debt service requirement on real property tax bills.
Subchapter II-B. Industrial Revenue Bond Forward Commitment Program. Back to Top
§ 47-340.01. Revenue bonds and other obligations.
§ 47-340.02. Bond authorization.
§ 47-340.03. Council review for each individual project.
§ 47-340.04. Details of each series of bonds.
§ 47-340.05. Sale of the bonds.
§ 47-340.06. Payment and security.
§ 47-340.07. Financing and closing documents.
§ 47-340.08. Authorized delegation of authority.
§ 47-340.09. Limited liability.
§ 47-340.10. District officials.
§ 47-340.11. Maintenance of documents.
§ 47-340.12. Information reporting.
§ 47-340.13. Disclaimer.
§ 47-340.14. Expiration.
§ 47-340.15. Severability.
§ 47-340.16. Conflict of laws.
Subchapter II-C. Industrial Revenue Bond Fees. Back to Top
§ 47-340.20. Program fee.
§ 47-340.21. Deposit of fees and other monies.
§ 47-340.22. Allocation of funds.
§ 47-340.23. Use of funds allocated.
Subchapter II-D. Income Tax Secured Bonds. Back to Top
§ 47-340.26. Definitions.
§ 47-340.27. Creation of the Income Tax Secured Bond Fund.
§ 47-340.28. Bond authorization.
§ 47-340.29. Bond details.
§ 47-340.30. Issuance of the bonds.
§ 47-340.31. Payment and security.
§ 47-340.32. Financing and closing documents.
§ 47-340.33. Limited liability.
§ 47-340.34. District officials.
§ 47-340.35. Maintenance of documents.
§ 47-340.36. Information reporting.
Subchapter III. Deposit of Public Funds. Back to Top
§ 47-341. Definitions.[Repealed]
§ 47-342. Mayor to invest or deposit certain funds.[Repealed]
§ 47-343. Selection of depositories and investments.[Repealed]
§ 47-344. Ranking of depositories; qualifying loans; information required to bid.[Repealed]
§ 47-345. Limitation on amount.[Repealed]
§ 47-345.01. Cashing government checks of District residents required.[Repealed]
§ 47-346. Required collateral and financial information.[Repealed]
§ 47-347. Public disclosure of certain information; required reports by depositories and Mayor.[Repealed]
§ 47-348. Termination of depositories or refusal of contracts; immediate withdrawal.[Repealed]
§ 47-349. Powers of Mayor and District of Columbia Auditor; accountability of Auditor.[Repealed]
§ 47-350. Authorized staff for District of Columbia Auditor and Committee on Employment and Economic Development.[Repealed]
Subchapter III-A. Financial Institutions Deposits and Investments. Back to Top
§ 47-351.01. Definitions.
§ 47-351.02. Powers of the Mayor.
§ 47-351.03. General deposit and investment requirements.
§ 47-351.04. Eligibility requirements; bidding; awards process.
§ 47-351.05. Competition for banking business.
§ 47-351.06. Financial score.
§ 47-351.07. Community development score.
§ 47-351.08. Collateral and reporting requirements.
§ 47-351.09. Linked deposits for community development lending.
§ 47-351.10. Preservation of banking services.
§ 47-351.11. District funds reserved for certain insured institutions.
§ 47-351.12. Public disclosure.
§ 47-351.13. Protection of District funds at risk.
§ 47-351.14. Check cashing; identification.
§ 47-351.15. Penalties.
§ 47-351.16. Rulemaking.
Subchapter III-B. Anti-Deficiency. Back to Top
§ 47-355.01. Definitions.
§ 47-355.02. Limitations on expenditures and obligating amounts.
§ 47-355.03. Reporting requirements of managers.
§ 47-355.04. Reporting requirements of agency heads and chief financial officers.
§ 47-355.05. Reporting requirements of the Chief Financial Officer and Agency Fiscal Officers.
§ 47-355.06. Penalties.
§ 47-355.07. Establishment of Review Board.
§ 47-355.08. Notice requirement.
Subchapter IV. Reprogramming Policy. Back to Top
§ 47-361. Definitions.
§ 47-362. Policies enumerated.
§ 47-363. Council approval of reprogrammings.
§ 47-364. Council approval of non-offsetting budget modifications; exclusions.[Repealed]
§ 47-365. Reprogrammings of appropriated funds.
§ 47-366. Non-Departmental Fund Transfer Notification.
Subchapter IV-A. Special Budget Provisions. Back to Top
§ 47-368.01. Transfer of dedicated funds to the General Fund.
§ 47-368.02. Increase in funds and fees and charges.
§ 47-368.03. Reduction in rates for certain excise taxes.
§ 47-368.04. Commodities Cost Reserve Fund.
§ 47-368.05. Deposit of revenues dedicated to debt service.
§ 47-368.06. Limitation on grant-making authority.
Subchapter IV-B. Adjustments to Appropriations. Back to Top
§ 47-369.01. General Fund surplus.
§ 47-369.02. Increases to appropriations.
§ 47-369.03. Short-term borrowing from certain funds.
Subchapter V. Fund Accounting. Back to Top
§ 47-371. Findings.
§ 47-372. Definitions.
§ 47-373. Organization of fund structure.
§ 47-374. Accepted accounting principles to be followed.
§ 47-375. Duties of Mayor.
§ 47-376. Construction of subchapter.
§ 47-377. Financial obligations of District.
Subchapter VI. Funds Control. Back to Top
§ 47-381. Findings.
§ 47-382. Definitions.
§ 47-383. Grant application procedure.
§ 47-384. Notice of application for grant funds.
§ 47-385. Procedure for Council consent to certain grant applications and state plans.
Subchapter VI-A. Certification of Accumulated General Fund Balance. Back to Top
§ 47-387.01. Certification by the CFO of minimum 5% accumulated general fund balance.
Subchapter VI-B. Certifications for Maintenance of Effort and Matching Funds. Back to Top
§ 47-387.51. Maintenance of Effort and Matching funds inclusion in budget.
§ 47-387.52. Effect of reprogrammings on Maintenance of Effort and Matching funds.
Subchapter VII. Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance. Back to Top
Part A. Establishment and Organization of Authority.
§ 47-391.01. District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance Authority.
§ 47-391.02. Executive Director and staff of Authority.
§ 47-391.03. Powers of Authority.
§ 47-391.04. Exemption from liability for claims for authority employees.
§ 47-391.05. Treatment of actions arising from act.
§ 47-391.06. Funding for operation of Authority.
§ 47-391.07. Suspension of activities.
§ 47-391.08. Application of laws of District of Columbia to Authority.
§ 47-391.09. Chief Management Officer.
Part B. Establishment and Enforcement of Financial Plan and Budget for District Government.
§ 47-392.01. Development of financial plan and budget for District of Columbia.
§ 47-392.02. Process for submission and approval of financial plan and annual District budget.
§ 47-392.03. Review of activities of district government to ensure compliance with approved financial plan and budget.
§ 47-392.04. Restrictions on borrowing by District during control year.
§ 47-392.05. Deposit of annual federal contribution with Authority.
§ 47-392.06. Effect of finding of non-compliance with financial plan and budget.
§ 47-392.07. Recommendations on financial stability and management responsibility.
§ 47-392.08. Special rules for Fiscal Year 1996.
§ 47-392.09. Control periods described.
§ 47-392.10. [Reserved]
Part C. Issuance of Bonds.
§ 47-392.11. Authority to issue bonds.
§ 47-392.12. Pledge of security interest in revenues of District government.
§ 47-392.13. Establishment of debt service reserve fund.
§ 47-392.14. Other requirements for issuance of bonds.
§ 47-392.15. No full faith and credit of the United States.
§ 47-392.16. [Reserved]
§ 47-392.17. [Reserved]
§ 47-392.18. [Reserved]
§ 47-392.19. [Reserved]
§ 47-392.20. [Reserved]
Part D. Other Duties of Authority.
§ 47-392.21. Duties of Authority during year other than control year.
§ 47-392.22. General assistance in achieving financial stability and management efficiency.
§ 47-392.23. Obtaining reports.
§ 47-392.24. Reports and comments.
§ 47-392.25. Disposition of certain school property.
§ 47-392.26. Prohibiting funding for terminated employees or contractors.
Part E. Definitions.
§ 47-393. Definitions.
Part F. Miscellaneous Provisions.
§ 47-395. Review and revision of regulations; permit and application processes.
Subchapter VII-A. Management Reform Plans. Back to Top
§ 47-395.01. Management reform plans for District government.[Repealed]
§ 47-395.02. Procedures for development of plans.[Repealed]
§ 47-395.03. Implementation of plans.[Repealed]
§ 47-395.04. Reform of powers and duties of department heads.[Repealed]
§ 47-395.05. Powers of Financial Responsibility and Management Authority unaffected.[Repealed]
Subchapter VIII. District of Columbia Convention Center and Sports Arena Authorization. Back to Top
Part A. Convention Center.
§ 47-396.01. Expenditure of revenues for Convention Center activities.
Part B. Sports Arena.
§ 47-398.01. Permitting designated authority to borrow funds for preconstruction activities relating to gallery place sports arena.
§ 47-398.02. Permitting certain District revenues to be pledged as security for borrowing.
§ 47-398.03. No appropriation necessary for arena preconstruction activities.
§ 47-398.04. Arena preconstruction activities described.
§ 47-398.05. Limitation on amount of borrowing financed by arena tax.
§ 47-398.06. Rule of construction regarding revenue bond requirements under Home Rule Act.