Chapter 7. Hospitals, Asylums, Charities Generally.

Subchapter I. General. Back to Top
§ 44-701. Limitation on erection of hospital for contagious diseases.
§ 44-702. Children's Tuberculosis Sanatorium--Construction and equipping authorized.
§ 44-703. Providence Hospital authorized to conduct hospital, clinic and school.
§ 44-704. Standards of indigency; emergency and semi-indigent patients.
§ 44-705. Payments to needy patients.
§ 44-706. Institutional care under contract.
§ 44-707. Stipends for patients and certain resident employees.
§ 44-708. Benefits in lieu of salary for certain workers in District facilities.
§ 44-709. Mayor to visit, investigate and report on certain charitable institutions.
§ 44-710. Mayor authorized to visit, investigate and report on certain organizations.
§ 44-711. Appropriations for charitable and reformatory institutions to be lien on property.
§ 44-712. Terms of Congressmen as trustees or directors of certain corporations or institutions.
§ 44-713. Compensation of physicians to the poor.
§ 44-714. Conflicts of interest by directors or trustees of certain charitable institutions.
§ 44-715. Congressional policy as to appropriations to churches or religious entities.
§ 44-716. Home for Aged and Infirm--Sale of surplus products.
§ 44-717. Home for Aged and Infirm--Admission of pay patients.
Subchapter II. Fees for Clinical Services and Asbestos Abatement. Back to Top
§ 44-731. Fees for clinical services.
§ 44-732. Asbestos abatement--Task Force established.
§ 44-733. Asbestos abatement--Rules and regulations.
§ 44-734. Asbestos abatement--Appropriations.
Subchapter III. Conveyance of Property to Columbia Hospital. Back to Top
§ 44-751. In general.
§ 44-752. Restriction on use.[Repealed]
§ 44-753. Creation of lien in favor of United States.
Subchapter IV. Repealed Provisions. Back to Top
§ 44-771. Private facilities--License required.[Repealed]
§ 44-772. Private facilities--Enforcement of provisions and regulations; inspections.[Repealed]
§ 44-773. Private facilities-- Violations of provisions or regulations.[Repealed]
§ 44-774. Private facilities--Council authorized to promulgate regulations.[Repealed]
§ 44-775. Private facilities--Prosecutions.[Repealed]
§ 44-776. Report of loss of privileges by health care providers.[Repealed]
§ 44-777. Rules and regulations for Smallpox Hospital.[Repealed]
§ 44-778. Washington Asylum Hospital continued.[Repealed]
§ 44-779. Admission of pay patients to psychopathic ward of General Hospital.[Repealed]
§ 44-780. Admission of pay patients to contagious-disease ward of General Hospital.[Repealed]
§ 44-781. Admission of pay patients to Glenn Dale Hospital.[Repealed]
§ 44-782. Children's Tuberculosis Sanatorium--Admission of pay patients.[Repealed]
§ 44-783. Receipt of contagious-disease cases by Providence and Garfield Memorial Hospitals.[Repealed]
§ 44-784. Charges for treatment of patients.[Repealed]
§ 44-785. Availability of appropriations.[Repealed]
§ 44-786. Fees for clinical services; free services.[Repealed]