• Current through October 23, 2012

Whenever a lease for any definite term shall expire, or any tenancy shall be terminated by notice as aforesaid, and the tenant shall fail or refuse to surrender possession of the leased premises, the landlord may bring an action of ejectment to recover possession in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

(Mar. 3, 1901, 31 Stat. 1382, ch. 854, § 1225; Feb. 17, 1909, 35 Stat. 623, ch. 134; June 25, 1936, 49 Stat. 1921, ch. 804; June 25, 1948, 62 Stat. 991, ch. 646, § 32(b); May 24, 1949, 63 Stat. 107, ch. 139, § 127; July 8, 1963, 77 Stat. 77, Pub. L. 88-60, § 1; July 29, 1970, 84 Stat. 570, Pub. L. 91-358, title I, §§ 155(c)(1)(J), 167(2).)


Prior Codifications

1981 Ed., § 45-1410.

1973 Ed., § 45-910.