Chapter 2. Street Railways and Bus Lines.

Subchapter I. General. Back to Top
§ 35-201. Competitive lines on fixed routes and schedules; certificate of convenience and necessity required.
§ 35-202. Furnishing sufficient cars, power, equipment, appliances and service required; rules and regulations; penalties for violation.
§ 35-203. Prosecutions to be on information.
§ 35-204. Fenders required on street cars.
§ 35-205. Glass vestibules required for street car motormen; penalties; exception.[Repealed]
§ 35-206. Construction of duct lines authorized.
§ 35-207. Unlawful disposition, acceptance and use of transfers.
§ 35-208. Reciprocal transfer and trackage agreements.
§ 35-209. Type of rails required.
§ 35-210. Use of another's underground line prohibited.
§ 35-211. Removal of disused tracks; penalty for noncompliance.
§ 35-212. Free transfer under reciprocal trackage agreement.
§ 35-213. Free transportation of uniformed policemen and firemen.[Repealed]
§ 35-214. Reduced fares for school children.
§ 35-215. Annual reports to Congress.
§ 35-216. Failure to pay established fare or to present valid transfer; entry by rear exit door prohibited.
Subchapter II. Student Fares. Back to Top
§ 35-231. Fixed rate for schoolchildren not over 18 years of age; formula for adjusting and payment of fare subsidy.[Repealed]
§ 35-232. Subsidy agreement.
§ 35-233. Validity of reduced fares; requirements for eligibility.
§ 35-234. Tokens and tickets; certification of eligibility required.
§ 35-235. Metrorail discount cards; factors determining need in use of transit system.
§ 35-236. Subsidy payments authorized; audit; interest credit for advance payment.
§ 35-237. Rules and regulations.
Subchapter III. Passenger Conduct. Back to Top
§ 35-251. Unlawful conduct on public passenger vehicles.
§ 35-252. Carrier authorized to refuse transportation to violators.
§ 35-253. Penalties.
Subchapter III-A. Notice of Enhanced Penalties. Back to Top
§ 35-261. Notice of enhanced penalties for commission of offenses against transit operators and Metrorail station managers.
Subchapter IV. Merger of Street Railways. Back to Top
§ 35-271. Merger of street railways permitted.