Chapter 6. Institutions of Learning.[Repealed]

Subchapter I. General.[Repealed] Back to Top
§ 29A-601. Incorporation--Number; filing and recordation of certificate; content.[Repealed]
§ 29A-602. Incorporation--Powers of body politic and corporate.[Repealed]
§ 29A-603. Corporate powers.[Repealed]
§ 29A-604. Property to be held for educational purposes.[Repealed]
§ 29A-605. Funds--Application.[Repealed]
§ 29A-606. Funds--Acceptance of donations, devises, or bequests for particular purposes.[Repealed]
§ 29A-607. Land--Restriction on holdings.[Repealed]
§ 29A-608. Land--Reversion of excess.[Repealed]
§ 29A-609. Officers; powers and duties.[Repealed]
§ 29A-610. Treasurer; bond required.[Repealed]
§ 29A-611. Annual statement; filing and recordation; contents.[Repealed]
§ 29A-612. Service of process against corporation.[Repealed]
§ 29A-613. v.[Repealed]
§ 29A-614. Incorporation fee.[Repealed]
§ 29A-615. License to confer degrees--Issuance by Education Licensure Commission required.[Repealed]
§ 29A-616. License to confer degrees--Application; filing and recordation; use of public school personnel authorized.[Repealed]
§ 29A-617. License to confer degrees--Revocation of license; notice; hearing before Commission; review.[Repealed]
§ 29A-618. Title of institution not to imply official connection with government of United States or District of Columbia.[Repealed]
§ 29A-619. Penalties for conferral of degrees without licenses.[Repealed]
Subchapter II. Exemption from Usury Laws.[Repealed] Back to Top
§ 29A-631. Exemption of institutions of higher learning from usury law.[Repealed]