Chapter 8. Limited Liability Companies.

Subchapter I. General Provisions. Back to Top
§ 29-801.01. Short title.
§ 29-801.02. Definitions.
§ 29-801.03. Knowledge; notice.
§ 29-801.04. Nature, purpose, and duration of limited liability company.
§ 29-801.05. Powers.
§ 29-801.06. Governing law.
§ 29-801.07. Operating agreement; scope, function, and limitations.
§ 29-801.08. Operating agreement; effect on limited liability company and persons becoming members; preformation agreement.
§ 29-801.09. Operating agreement; effect on third parties and relationship to records effective on behalf of limited liability company.
Subchapter II. Formation; Certificate of Organization, and Other Filings. Back to Top
§ 29-802.01. Formation of limited liability company; certificate of organization.
§ 29-802.02. Amendment or restatement of certificate of organization.
§ 29-802.03. Signing of records to be delivered for filing to Mayor.
§ 29-802.04. Signing and filing pursuant to judicial order.
§ 29-802.05. Liability for inaccurate information in filed record.
§ 29-802.06. Series of members, managers, or interests of limited liability company.
Subchapter III. Relations of Members and Managers to Persons Dealing with Limited Liability Company. Back to Top
§ 29-803.01. No agency power of member as member.
§ 29-803.02. Statement of authority.
§ 29-803.03. Statement of denial.
§ 29-803.04. Liability of members and managers.
Subchapter IV. Relations of Members to Each Other and to Limited Liability Company. Back to Top
§ 29-804.01. Becoming member.
§ 29-804.02. Form of contribution.
§ 29-804.03. Liability for contributions.
§ 29-804.04. Sharing of and right to distributions before dissolution.
§ 29-804.05. Limitations on distribution.
§ 29-804.06. Liability for improper distributions.
§ 29-804.07. Management of limited liability company.
§ 29-804.08. Indemnification and insurance.
§ 29-804.09. Standards of conduct for members and managers.
§ 29-804.10. Right of members, managers, and dissociated members to information.
Subchapter V. Transferable Interests and Rights of Transferees and Creditors. Back to Top
§ 29-805.01. Nature of transferable interest.
§ 29-805.02. Transfer of transferable interest.
§ 29-805.03. Charging order.
§ 29-805.04. Power of personal representative of deceased member.
Subchapter VI. Member's Dissociation. Back to Top
§ 29-806.01. Member's power to dissociate; wrongful dissociation.
§ 29-806.02. Events causing dissociation.
§ 29-806.03. Effect of person's dissociation as member.
Subchapter VII. Dissolution and Winding Up. Back to Top
§ 29-807.01. Events causing dissolution.
§ 29-807.02. Winding up.
§ 29-807.03. Known claims against dissolved limited liability company.
§ 29-807.04. Other claims against dissolved limited liability company.
§ 29-807.05. Distribution of assets in winding up limited liability company's activities.
Subchapter VIII. Actions by Members. Back to Top
§ 29-808.01. Direct action by member.
§ 29-808.02. Derivative action.
§ 29-808.03. Proper plaintiff.
§ 29-808.04. Pleading.
§ 29-808.05. Special litigation committee.
§ 29-808.06. Proceeds and expenses.
Subchapter IX. Merger and Domestication. Back to Top
§ 29-809.01. Definitions.
§ 29-809.02. Merger.
§ 29-809.03. Action on plan of merger by constituent company.
§ 29-809.04. Filings required for merger; effective date.
§ 29-809.05. Effect of merger.
§ 29-809.06. Domestication.
§ 29-809.07. Action on plan of domestication by domesticating limited liability company.
§ 29-809.08. Filings required for domestication; effective date.
§ 29-809.09. Effect of domestication.
§ 29-809.10. Restrictions on approval of mergers and domestications.
§ 29-809.11. Subchapter not exclusive.
Subchapter X. Transition Provisions. Back to Top
§ 29-810.01. Application to existing relationships.

Refs & Annos

Effective Date
Statutory Citation
District of Columbia
2011, 18-378
D.C. Official Code, 2001 Ed., §§ 29-801.01 to 29-810.01.
2008, c. 176
I.C. §§ 30-6-101 to 30-6-1104.
2008, H.F. 2633
I.C.A. §§ 489.101 to 489.1304.
2010, L.B. 888
R.R.S. 1943, §§ 21-101 to 21-197.
2011, c. 353
UCA §§ 48-3-101 to 48-3-1405.
2010, c. 94
Wyo.Stat.Ann. §§ 17-29-101 to 17-29-1105.