• Current through October 23, 2012

A person may file an initial financing statement or a continuation statement under this part if:

(1) The secured party of record authorizes the filing; and

(2) The filing is necessary under this part:

(A) To continue the effectiveness of a financing statement filed before July 1, 2001; or

(B) To perfect or continue the perfection of a security interest.

(Oct. 26, 2000, D.C. Law 13-201, § 101, 47 DCR 7576.)



This section permits a secured party to file an initial financing statement or continuation statement necessary under this Part to continue the effectiveness of a financing statement filed before this Article takes effect or to perfect or otherwise continue the perfection of a security interest. Because a filing described in this section typically operates to continue the effectiveness of a financing statement whose filing the debtor already has authorized, this section does not require authorization from the debtor.

Legislative History of Laws

For Law 13-201, see notes following § 28:9-101.