Chapter 32. Theft; Fraud; Stolen Property; Forgery; and Extortion.

Subchapter I. General Provisions. Back to Top
§ 22-3201. Definitions.
§ 22-3202. Aggregation of amounts received to determine grade of offense.
§ 22-3203. Consecutive sentences.
§ 22-3204. Case referral.
Subchapter II. Theft; Related Offenses. Back to Top
§ 22-3211. Theft.
§ 22-3212. Penalties for theft.
§ 22-3213. Shoplifting.
§ 22-3214. Commercial piracy.
§ 22-3214.01. Deceptive labeling.
§ 22-3214.02. Unlawful operation of a recording device in a motion picture theater.
§ 22-3215. Unauthorized use of motor vehicles.
§ 22-3216. Taking property without right.
Subchapter II-A. Theft of Utility Service. Back to Top
§ 22-3218.01. Definitions.
§ 22-3218.02. Unlawful acts.
§ 22-3218.03. Presumptions and rebuttal evidence.
§ 22-3218.04. Penalties for violation.
Subchapter III. Fraud; Related Offenses. Back to Top
§ 22-3221. Fraud.
§ 22-3222. Penalties for fraud.
§ 22-3223. Credit card fraud.
§ 22-3224. Fraudulent registration.
§ 22-3224.01. Jurisdiction.
Subchapter III-A. Insurance Fraud. Back to Top
§ 22-3225.01. Definitions.
§ 22-3225.02. Insurance fraud in the first degree.
§ 22-3225.03. Insurance fraud in the second degree.
§ 22-3225.03a. Misdemeanor insurance fraud.
§ 22-3225.04. Penalties.
§ 22-3225.05. Restitution.
§ 22-3225.06. Indemnity.
§ 22-3225.07. Practitioners.
§ 22-3225.08. Investigation and report of insurance fraud.
§ 22-3225.09. Insurance fraud prevention and detection.
§ 22-3225.10. Regulations.
§ 22-3225.11. Limited law enforcement authority.
§ 22-3225.12. Annual anti-fraud activity reporting requirement.
§ 22-3225.13. Immunity.
§ 22-3225.14. Prohibition of solicitation.
§ 22-3225.15. Jurisdiction.
Subchapter III-B. Telephone Fraud. Back to Top
§ 22-3226.01. Definitions.
§ 22-3226.02. Application for a certificate of registration of telephone solicitor.
§ 22-3226.03. Surety bond requirements for telephone solicitors.
§ 22-3226.04. Security alternative to surety bonds.
§ 22-3226.05. Exemptions.
§ 22-3226.06. Unlawful acts and practices.
§ 22-3226.07. Deceptive acts and practices prohibited.
§ 22-3226.08. Abusive telemarketing acts or practices.
§ 22-3226.09. Civil penalties.
§ 22-3226.10. Criminal penalties.
§ 22-3226.11. Private right of action.
§ 22-3226.12. Statute of limitations period.
§ 22-3226.13. Task force to combat fraud.
§ 22-3226.14. Fraud Prevention Fund.
§ 22-3226.15. General disclosures.
Subchapter III-C. Identity Theft. Back to Top
§ 22-3227.01. Definitions.
§ 22-3227.02. Identity theft.
§ 22-3227.03. Penalties for identity theft.
§ 22-3227.04. Restitution.
§ 22-3227.05. Correction of public records.
§ 22-3227.06. Jurisdiction.
§ 22-3227.07. Limitations.
§ 22-3227.08. Police reports.
Subchapter IV. Stolen Property. Back to Top
§ 22-3231. Trafficking in stolen property.
§ 22-3232. Receiving stolen property.
§ 22-3233. Altering or removing motor vehicle identification numbers.
§ 22-3234. Altering or removing bicycle identification numbers.
Subchapter V. Forgery. Back to Top
§ 22-3241. Forgery.
§ 22-3242. Penalties for forgery.
Subchapter VI. Extortion. Back to Top
§ 22-3251. Extortion.
§ 22-3252. Blackmail.