• Current through October 23, 2012

(a) Upon application made by an employee or public official subject to the Code of Conduct, the Ethics Board or the Director of Government Ethics shall, within a reasonable period of time, provide an advisory opinion as to whether a specific transaction or activity inquired of would constitute a violation of a provision of the Code of Conduct over which the Ethics Board has primary jurisdiction.

(b) An advisory opinion shall be published in the District of Columbia Register within 30 days of its issuance; provided, that the identity of a person requesting an advisory opinion shall not be disclosed in the District of Columbia Register without the person's prior consent in writing.

(c) If issued by the Director of Government Ethics, an advisory opinion may be appealed for consideration by the Ethics Board.

(d) There shall be no enforcement of a violation of the Code of Conduct taken against an employee or public official who relied in good faith upon an advisory opinion requested by that employee or public official; provided, that the employee or public official, in seeking the advisory opinion, made full and accurate disclosure of all relevant circumstances and information.

(Apr. 27, 2012, D.C. Law 19-124, § 219, 59 DCR 1862.)


Legislative History of Laws

For history of Law 19-124, see notes under § 1-1161.01.