Part 6. Warehouse Receipts and Bills of Lading: Miscellaneous Provisions.

  • Current through October 23, 2012
  • (1) If a document has been lost, stolen, or destroyed, a court may order delivery of the goods or issuance of a substitute document and the bailee may without liability to any person comply with such order. If the document was negotiable the claimant must post security approved by the court to indemnify any person who may suffer loss as a result of non-surrender of the document. If the document was not negotiable, such security may be required at the discretion of the court. The court may also in its discretion order payment of the bailee's reasonable costs and counsel fees.

    (2) A bailee who without court order delivers goods to a person claiming under a missing negotiable document is liable to any person injured thereby, and if the delivery is not in good faith becomes liable for conversion. Delivery in good faith is not conversion if made in accordance with a filed classification or tariff or, where no classification or tariff is filed, if the claimant posts security with the bailee in an amount at least double the value of the goods at the time of posting to indemnify any person injured by the delivery who files a notice of claim within one year after the delivery.

    (Dec. 30, 1963, 77 Stat. 730, Pub. L. 88-243, § 1.)



    Prior Uniform Statutory Provision

    Section 14, Uniform Warehouse Receipts Act; Section 17, Uniform Bills of Lading Act.


    General revision. Principal innovations include: affirmation of bailee's privilege to deliver to claimant without resort to judicial proceedings if the bailee acts in good faith and is willing to take the full risk of loss in case the lost document turns up in the hands of an innocent purchaser; explicit authorization to the court to order bailee to issue a substitute document rather than make physical delivery of the goods; inclusion of "stolen" as well as lost documents; extension of section to non-negotiable documents.

    Purposes of Changes

    The purposes of the changes insofar as they are not self-evident are as follows:

    1. As to bailee's privilege to deliver without court order, doubt had arisen as to the propriety of such action under Section 54 of the Uniform Warehouse Receipts Act, which made it a crime to deliver goods covered by negotiable receipts without taking up the receipts "except in the cases provided for in Section 14" (the lost receipts section). This has been interpreted by one court as exempting from criminal liability only if the judicial procedure of Section 14 was followed. Dahl v. Winter-Truesdell-Diercks Co., 61 N.D. 84, 237 N.W. 202 (1931). Although the criminal provisions are not being re-enacted in this Act (and the Uniform Bills of Lading Act never did include such a criminal provision), it seems advisable to clarify the legality of the well established commercial practice of bailees to make delivery where they are satisfied that the claimant is the person entitled under a lost document. Since the bailee remains liable on the document in such cases, he will usually insist that the claimant provide an indemnity bond.

    2. The old acts provide only for compulsory delivery of goods; this Section provides also for compulsory issuance of a substitute document. If continuance of the bailment is desirable there is no reason to require the goods to be withdrawn and redeposited in order to secure a negotiable document. The present acts would probably be so interpreted. Section 20 of the Federal Warehouse Act and some state laws expressly require issuance of a new receipt on proof of loss and posting of bond.

    3. Claimants on non-negotiable instruments are permitted to avail themselves of this procedure because straight bills of lading sometimes contain provisions that the goods shall not be delivered except upon production of the bill. If the carrier should choose to insist upon production of the bill, the consignee should have some means of compelling delivery on satisfactory proof of entitlement.

    Ordinarily no security would be necessary to indemnify a bailee in delivering to the person named in a non-negotiable document. But disputes as to negotiability may arise, in which case if there is a reasonable doubt on the point the bailee should be protected against the possibility that the missing document would, in the hands of an innocent purchaser for value, be held negotiable.

    4. It seems unnecessary to state, as do the present acts, that the court shall act "on satisfactory proof of such loss or destruction." The right of action created by the section is conditioned on a document being lost, stolen or destroyed. Plaintiff must of course bring himself within the section. There is nothing in the language of the old acts to suggest that they intended to impose anything but the normal burden of proof on the plaintiff in such proceedings.

    5. Subsection (2) makes it clear that after delivery without court order the bailee remains liable for actual damages. Liability for conversion is provided where the delivery is dishonest, but excluded where a filed classification or tariff is followed in good faith, or where the described bond is posted in good faith and no classification or tariff is filed. Liability for conversion in other cases is left to judicial decision.

    Definitional Cross References

    "Bailee". Section 7-102.

    "Bill of lading". Section 1-201.

    "Delivery". Section 1-201.

    "Document". Section 7-102.

    "Good faith". Section 1-201.

    "Goods". Section 7-102.

    "Person". Section 1-201.

    "Warehouse receipt". Section 1-201.

    "Warehouseman". Section 7-102.

    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 28:7-601.

    1973 Ed., § 28:7-601.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • Except where the document was originally issued upon delivery of the goods by a person who had no power to dispose of them, no lien attaches by virtue of any judicial process to goods in the possession of a bailee for which a negotiable document of title is outstanding unless the document be first surrendered to the bailee or its negotiation enjoined, and the bailee shall not be compelled to deliver the goods pursuant to process until the document is surrendered to him or impounded by the court. One who purchases the document for value without notice of the process or injunction takes free of the lien imposed by judicial process.

    (Dec. 30, 1963, 77 Stat. 731, Pub. L. 88-243, § 1.)



    Prior Uniform Statutory Provisions

    Section 25, Uniform Warehouse Receipts Act; Section 24, Uniform Bills of Lading Act.


    Consolidated and rewritten.

    Purposes of Changes

    1. The purpose of the section is to protect the bailee from conflicting claims of the document holder and the judgment creditors of the person who deposited the goods. The rights of the former prevail unless, in effect, the judgment creditors immobilize the negotiable document. However, if the document was issued upon deposit of the goods by a person who had no power to dispose of the goods so that the document is ineffective to pass title, judgment liens are valid to the extent of the debtor's interest in the goods.

    2. The last sentence covers the possibility that the holder of a document who has been enjoined from negotiating it will violate the injunction by negotiating to an innocent purchaser for value. In such case the lien will be defeated.

    Cross Reference

    Point 1: Section 7-503.

    Definitional Cross References

    "Bailee". Section 7-102.

    "Delivery". Section 1-201.

    "Document". Section 7-102.

    "Goods". Section 7-102.

    "Notice". Section 1-201.

    "Person". Section 1-201.

    "Purchase". Section 1-201.

    "Value". Section 1-201.

    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 28:7-602.

    1973 Ed., § 28:7-602.

  • Current through October 23, 2012 Back to Top
  • If more than one person claims title or possession of the goods, the bailee is excused from delivery until he has had a reasonable time to ascertain the validity of the adverse claims or to bring an action to compel all claimants to interplead and may compel such interpleader, either in defending an action for non-delivery of the goods, or by original action, which ever is appropriate.

    (Dec. 30, 1963, 77 Stat. 731, Pub. L. 88-243, § 1.)



    Prior Uniform Statutory Provision

    Sections 16 and 17, Uniform Warehouse Receipts Act; Sections 20 and 21, Uniform Bills of Lading Act.


    Consolidation without substantial change.

    Purposes of Changes

    The section enables a bailee faced with conflicting claims to the goods to compel the claimants to litigate their claims with each other rather than with him.

    Definitional Cross References

    "Action". Section 1-201.

    "Bailee". Section 7-102.

    "Delivery". Section 1-201.

    "Goods". Section 7-102.

    "Person". Section 1-201.

    "Reasonable time". Section 1-204.

    Prior Codifications

    1981 Ed., § 28:7-603.

    1973 Ed., § 28:7-603.