Part V. Neighborhood Parade and Festival Fund.

  • Current through October 23, 2012
  • (a) There is established as a nonlapsing fund the Neighborhood Parade and Festival Fund ("Fund"), which shall be administered by the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, to be used for the purposes set forth in subsection (c) of this section.

    (b)(1) Deposits into the Fund shall include:

    (A) Federal funds, if any; and

    (B) Gifts, grants, and donations.

    (2) All funds deposited into the Fund, and any interest earned on those funds, shall not revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia at the end of a fiscal year, or at any other time, but shall be continually available for the uses and purposes set forth in subsection (c) of this section without regard to fiscal year limitation, subject to authorization by Congress.

    (c) The Fund shall be used for parades, festivals, and any other celebrations sponsored by a neighborhood or civic association.

    (Sept. 20, 2012, D.C. Law 19-168, § 2033, 59 DCR 8025.)


    Legislative History of Laws

    Law 19-168, the "Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Support Act of 2012", was introduced in Council and assigned Bill No. 19-743, which was referred to the Committee of the Whole. The Bill was adopted on first and second readings on May 15, 2012, and June 5, 2012, respectively. Signed by the Mayor on June 22, 2012, it was assigned Act No. 19-385 and transmitted to both Houses of Congress for its review. D.C. Law 19-168 became effective on September 20, 2012.