Chapter 3. Specified Governmental Authority.

Subchapter I. Additional Governmental Powers and Responsibilities. Back to Top
Part A. General.
§ 1-301.01. Additional powers of Mayor, Council, and Director.
§ 1-301.02. Appointment of contracting officers; powers; approval of contracts over $3,000; void contracts; liquidated damage contracts.[Repealed]
§ 1-301.03. Powers and duties of Director of Department of Licenses, Investigation and Inspections; delegation of authority.
§ 1-301.04. Settlement for real estate acquired by purchase or condemnation.
§ 1-301.05. Power conferred by §§ 1-301.01 to 1-301.04 as additional.
Part B. Subpoenas, Administration of Oaths, and Documents Concerning Police Officers and Firefighters.
§ 1-301.21. Subpoena power.
§ 1-301.22. Administration of oaths.
§ 1-301.23. Executive Secretary authorized to execute certain documents.
Part C. The Council.
Subpart 1. Legislative Privilege.
§ 1-301.41. Definitions.
§ 1-301.42. Legislative immunity.
§ 1-301.43. Obstruction of Council proceedings and investigations; penalty.
Subpart 2. Council Independence.
§ 1-301.44. Independence established and recognized.
§ 1-301.44a. Independence of legislative branch information technology.
§ 1-301.44b. Legislative branch information technology acquisition.
§ 1-301.44c. Disclosure of information to the Council; District of Columbia Auditor; conditions on disclosure.
Subpart 3. Legislative Procedures.
§ 1-301.45. Construction of terms set forth in acts and resolutions.
§ 1-301.46. Enacting and resolving clauses in acts and resolutions; numbering of sections.
§ 1-301.47. Definition of terms set forth in acts and resolutions.
§ 1-301.47a. Fiscal impact statements.
Subpart 4. Council Official Seal.
§ 1-301.48. Official Seal.
Subpart 5. Record Reproduction Fee.
§ 1-301.49. Council record reproduction fees authorization.
Part D. The Mayor.
§ 1-301.61. Submission of statement of impact of proposed acts on taxpayers.
§ 1-301.62. District elements of comprehensive plan prepared; purposes.
§ 1-301.63. Mayor to submit proposed Land Use Element and map; submission of amendments to District elements of comprehensive plan; specifications; approval.
§ 1-301.64. Mayor to propose ward plans; updated plans; public hearing; transmission to Council for adoption.
§ 1-301.65. Preserving and ensuring community input.
§ 1-301.66. Publication of the Comprehensive Plan.
§ 1-301.67. Review of building, construction, or public space permits.
§ 1-301.68. Zoning conformity.
§ 1-301.69. Abolition or consolidation of offices; reduction of employees; appointments to and removal from office.
§ 1-301.70. Taxes not to be anticipated by sale or hypothecation.
§ 1-301.71. Hack stands--Location.
§ 1-301.72. Hack stands--Adjoining railroad stations;  rates of charges.[Repealed]
§ 1-301.73. Rates for public vehicles to be fixed by the Mayor.[Repealed]
§ 1-301.74. Authority to fix certain licensing and registration fees.
§ 1-301.75. Increase or decrease of fees authorized in § 1-301.74.
§ 1-301.76. Power to grant pardons and respites; commissioning of officers; execution of laws.
§ 1-301.77. Prohibition on Capital Funds for Operating Expenses.
§ 1-301.78. Grants for planning and planning implementation purposes.
§ 1-301.79. Rules.
Part D-I. Attorney General for the District of Columbia.
§ 1-301.81. Duties of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia.
§ 1-301.82. Appointment of the Attorney General.
§ 1-301.83. Minimum qualifications and requirements for Attorney General.
§ 1-301.84. Forfeiture of the position of Attorney General.
§ 1-301.85. Attorney General salary.
§ 1-301.86. Annual budget for the Office of Attorney General.
§ 1-301.86a. Contingency fee contracts.
§ 1-301.87. Chief Deputy Attorney General, Deputy Attorneys General, and Assistant Attorneys General.
§ 1-301.88. Authority to administer oaths.
§ 1-301.89. Appointment of special counsel.
§ 1-301.89a. Authority to issue subpoenas for the production of documents.
§ 1-301.90. Inability to carry out duties as Attorney General.
Part E. Additional Authority of the Director of the Office of Contracting and Procurement.
§ 1-301.91. Leasing authority.
§ 1-301.92. Use of exchange allowances or sale proceeds to purchase similar items.
Part F. Additional Authority of the Attorney General.
§ 1-301.111. Duties of Corporation Counsel.[Repealed]
§ 1-301.112. Duties of Assistant Corporation Counsels.[Repealed]
§ 1-301.113. Corporation Counsel and Assistants may administer oaths.[Repealed]
§ 1-301.114. Funding for civil legal services.[Repealed]
Part F-I. Office of the Inspector General.
§ 1-301.115a. Creation and duties of Office of the Inspector General.
§ 1-301.115b. Deadline for appointment of Inspector General.
Part G. Authority to Participate in Multistate Efforts to Develop Sales and Use Taxes.
§ 1-301.121. Definitions.
§ 1-301.122. Authority to participate in multistate negotiations.
§ 1-301.123. Authority to enter into agreement.
§ 1-301.124. Relationship to District of Columbia law.
§ 1-301.125. Agreement requirements.
§ 1-301.126. Cooperating sovereigns.
§ 1-301.127. Limited binding and beneficial effect.
§ 1-301.128. Seller and third party liability.
Part H. Chief Financial Officer for the Department of Housing and Community Development.
§ 1-301.141. Chief Financial Officer for the Department of Housing and Community Development.
Part I. Chief Financial Officer Health Care Analysis and Overtime Plan.
§ 1-301.151. Analysis of health care costs at Department of Corrections; plan to create Public Safety Overtime Bank.
Part J. District of Columbia Auditor Subpoena and Oath Authority.
§ 1-301.171. Subpoena power.
§ 1-301.172. Refusal to obey subpoena.
§ 1-301.173. Administration of oaths.
§ 1-301.174. District of Columbia Auditor Legal Fund.
Part K. District of Columbia Auditor Compliance Unit.
§ 1-301.181. Establishment of a compliance unit.
§ 1-301.182. Powers of the Unit.
§ 1-301.183. Reporting requirements.
§ 1-301.184. Compliance review reporting requirements.
Part L. Office of the Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice.
§ 1-301.191. Office of the Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice; establishment; authority.
Subchapter II. Regulatory Authority. Back to Top
Part A. Police Regulations.
§ 1-303.01. Police regulations.
§ 1-303.02. Publication of regulations; effective date.
§ 1-303.03. Regulations for protection of life, health, and property.
§ 1-303.04. Building regulations.
§ 1-303.05. Additional penalties for violation of regulations.
Part B. Outdoor Signs.
§ 1-303.21. Regulations.
§ 1-303.22. License required; fee.
§ 1-303.23. Penalties; publication of regulations.
Part C. General.
§ 1-303.41. Regulations for the keeping, leashing, and running at large of dogs.
§ 1-303.42. Expenditures for emergencies.
§ 1-303.43. Regulations relative to firearms, explosives, and weapons.
§ 1-303.44. Regulations for construction, repair, and operation of elevators.
Subchapter III. Streets, Public Rights of Way, and Public Property. Back to Top
§ 1-305.01. Cleaning streets, alleys, and avenues; maintenance of sewers.
§ 1-305.02. Sale of street sweepings authorized.
§ 1-305.03. Maintenance of lights outside city limits.
Subchapter III-A. Comprehensive Plan. Back to Top
Part A. General.
§ 1-306.01. District elements of comprehensive plan prepared; purposes.
§ 1-306.02. Mayor to submit proposed Land Use Element and map; submission of amendments to District elements of comprehensive plan; specifications; approval.
§ 1-306.03. Mayor to propose ward plans; updated plans; public hearing; transmission to Council for adoption.
§ 1-306.04. Preserving and ensuring community input.
§ 1-306.05. Publication of the Comprehensive Plan.
§ 1-306.06. Review of building, construction, or public space permits.
§ 1-306.07. Zoning conformity.
Part B. Housing Linkage Requirement of the Housing Element.
§ 1-306.31. Housing linkage objective.
§ 1-306.32. Housing linkage purposes.
§ 1-306.33. Housing linkage policies -- requirements.
§ 1-306.34. Required housing where existing housing is removed.
§ 1-306.35. Applicant's choice.
§ 1-306.36. Housing trust fund requirement.
§ 1-306.37. Housing trust fund requirement where existing housing is removed.
§ 1-306.38. Zoning Commission powers.
§ 1-306.39. Zoning Regulations.
§ 1-306.40. Comprehensive Plan requirement.
§ 1-306.41. Exceptions.
§ 1-306.42. Building permits associated with street or alley closings or zoning density increases.
§ 1-306.43. Street or alley closings or zoning density increases associated with housing trust fund contributions.
§ 1-306.44. Issuance of building permit or certificate of occupancy.
§ 1-306.45. Regulations adopted to implement this part.
Subchapter IV. Special Programs. Back to Top
Part A. General.
§ 1-307.01. District of Columbia student loan insurance program.
§ 1-307.02. District of Columbia medical assistance program.
§ 1-307.02a. Minimum maintenance needs allowance for an institutionalize Medicaid beneficiary with a community spouse.
§ 1-307.03. Medical assistance expansion program establishment.
§ 1-307.04. Supplementary medical insurance program.
§ 1-307.05. Children's Health Insurance Program.
§ 1-307.06. Rulemaking authority.
Part B. Free Clinic Liability Indemnification Assistance Program.[Expired]
§ 1-307.21. Definitions.[Expired]
§ 1-307.22. Establishment.[Expired]
§ 1-307.23. Eligibility requirements.[Expired]
§ 1-307.23a. Establishment of working group to study program alternatives.[Expired]
§ 1-307.24. Rules.[Expired]
§ 1-307.25. Applicability.[Expired]
§ 1-307.26. Expiration.[Expired]
Part C. Medical Benefits Protection.
§ 1-307.41. Insurer obligations.
§ 1-307.42. Employer obligations.
§ 1-307.43. Recoupment of amounts spent on child medical care.
Part D. Opportunity Accounts.
§ 1-307.61. Definitions.
§ 1-307.62. Establishment of Opportunity Account Office.
§ 1-307.63. Solicitation and consideration of proposals by organizations to administer opportunity account programs.
§ 1-307.64. Responsibilities of administering organization.
§ 1-307.65. Financial institution establishment of opportunity accounts.
§ 1-307.66. Eligibility to open an opportunity account; account limit.
§ 1-307.67. Matching funds and return of matching funds; tax exemption.
§ 1-307.68. Use of opportunity account funds.
§ 1-307.69. Emergency withdrawal.
§ 1-307.70. Disposition upon death.
§ 1-307.71. Use of reserve funds for administrative expenses.
§ 1-307.72. Exclusion of opportunity account funds from public assistance program calculations.
§ 1-307.73. Rulemaking.
§ 1-307.74. Report to Council.
Part D-i. Medical Liability Captive Insurance Agency.
§ 1-307.81. Definitions.
§ 1-307.82. Establishment of the District of Columbia Medical Liability Captive Insurance Agency.
§ 1-307.83. Authority of the Agency.
§ 1-307.84. Management of the Agency.
§ 1-307.85. Advisory Council to the Agency.
§ 1-307.86. Approval of plan of operation by Commissioner; annual report to Commissioner; financial examination.
§ 1-307.87. Plan of operation for the Agency.
§ 1-307.88. Annual report to the Mayor and Council.
§ 1-307.89. Liabilities of Risk Officer, captive manager, and Advisory Council.
§ 1-307.90. Coverage.
§ 1-307.91. Establishment of the Medical Liability Captive Trust Fund.
§ 1-307.92. Exemption from procurement and merit personnel laws.
§ 1-307.93. Rules.
§ 1-307.94. Dissolution of the District of Columbia Free Clinic Captive Insurance Company.
Part E. Payments in Lieu of Taxes.
§ 1-308.01. Definitions.
§ 1-308.02. PILOT agreements.
§ 1-308.03. Approval by the Council.
§ 1-308.04. Payment and collection of payments in lieu of taxes.
§ 1-308.05. Bond authorization.
§ 1-308.06. Details of Bonds.
§ 1-308.07. Security for Bonds.
§ 1-308.08. Default.
§ 1-308.09. Liability.
§ 1-308.10. Prior legislation.
Part F. Poverty Lawyer Loan Assistance Repayment Program.[Repealed]
§ 1-308.21. Definitions.[Repealed]
§ 1-308.22. Establishment of the District of Columbia Poverty Lawyer Loan Assistance Repayment Program.[Repealed]
§ 1-308.23. Administration of the Program.[Repealed]
§ 1-308.24. Eligibility.[Repealed]
§ 1-308.25. Award of Program loans.[Repealed]
§ 1-308.26. Participant obligations.[Repealed]
§ 1-308.27. Disbursement of loans.[Repealed]
§ 1-308.28. Rules.[Repealed]
§ 1-308.29. Appropriations contingency.[Repealed]
Subchapter V. Advisory Neighborhood Commissions. Back to Top
Part A. General.
§ 1-309.01. Purpose; definitions.
§ 1-309.02. Advisory Neighborhood Commission areas.
§ 1-309.03. Single-member districts.
§ 1-309.04. Advisory Neighborhood Commissions--Petition required; established by resolution.
§ 1-309.05. Advisory Neighborhood Commissions--Qualifications of members; nomination by petition.
§ 1-309.06. Advisory Neighborhood Commissions--Election of members; term of office; vacancies; change in residency; resignation; removal.
§ 1-309.07. Advisory Neighborhood Commissions--Determination of election winners.
§ 1-309.08. Boundary changes.
§ 1-309.09. Conduct of elections.
§ 1-309.10. Advisory Neighborhood Commissions-Duties and responsibilities; notice; great weight; access to documents; reports; contributions.
§ 1-309.11. Advisory Neighborhood Commissions--Meetings; bylaws governing operation and internal structure; officers.
§ 1-309.12. Advisory Neighborhood Commissions--Joint meetings; involvement of neighborhood groups; service area coordinators; service area manager; citizen's advisory mechanism.
§ 1-309.13. Advisory Neighborhood Commissions--Funds; audit of accounts; employees; financial reports; publications.
§ 1-309.14. Advisory Neighborhood Commission Security Fund.
§ 1-309.15. Office of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions; appointment of Executive Director.
Part B. Additional Period for Circulation of Petitions.
§ 1-309.31. Definitions.[Repealed]
§ 1-309.32. Supplementary petitions.
§ 1-309.33. Qualifications of members.
§ 1-309.34. Election of members; term of office; vacancies; change in residency.
§ 1-309.35. Applicability of other provisions of law.
§ 1-309.36. Regulations.
Subchapter VI. Government Reorganization Procedures. Back to Top
§ 1-315.01. Purposes.
§ 1-315.02. Definitions.
§ 1-315.03. Process of reorganization defined.
§ 1-315.04. Preparation, transmittal, publication, and effective date of reorganization plan.
§ 1-315.05. Contents and format of reorganization plan.
§ 1-315.06. Transmittal of District of Columbia government organization chart.
§ 1-315.07. Report on District boards and commissions.
Subchapter VII. Surety. Back to Top
§ 1-317.01. Persons prohibited from becoming surety upon bond.
Subchapter VIII. Governmental Volunteers. Back to Top
§ 1-319.01. Utilization by District government encouraged; exception.
§ 1-319.02. Promulgation of regulations.
§ 1-319.03. Conflicts of interest; ineligibility for employee benefits; liability of District for torts of volunteers.
§ 1-319.04. Inapplicability to offices of United States Marshal or United States Attorney for the District of Columbia.
§ 1-319.05. Definitions.
Subchapter IX. Honoraria. Back to Top
§ 1-321.01. Mayor's authority to determine honorariums; deposit of funds in Treasury; receipt of honorarium without prejudice to retirement compensation; "honorarium" defined.
§ 1-321.02. Applicability of this subchapter.
§ 1-321.03. Refund of unearned fees.
§ 1-321.04. Authority to fix and change licensing periods; proration of fee.
§ 1-321.05. References to boards, commissions, and committees mentioned in this subchapter.
§ 1-321.06. Appropriation for administration of sections mentioned in § 1- 321.02.
Subchapter X. Certain Reports. Back to Top
§ 1-323.01. Annual report to Congress.[Repealed]
§ 1-323.02. Illustrations in annual reports prohibited unless authorized by Mayor.
§ 1-323.03. Originals of discontinued reports to be preserved for public inspection.
Subchapter XI. Special Funds. Back to Top
Part A. Productivity Bank Fund.
§ 1-325.01. Productivity Bank Fund established.
§ 1-325.02. Rulemaking.
Part B. Public Planning Capital Project Fund.
§ 1-325.11. Establishment of Public Planning Capital Project Fund.
Part C. Department of Corrections Reimbursement Fund.
§ 1-325.21. Department of Corrections Reimbursement Fund.
Part D. Fiscal Year 2006 Educational Investment Fund.
§ 1-325.31. Fiscal Year 2006 Educational Investments Fund for District of Columbia Public Schools and Public Charter Schools.
Part E. Schools Modernization Fund.
§ 1-325.41. Schools Modernization Fund.
§ 1-325.42. Budget submission requirements.
§ 1-325.43. Bond authorization.
§ 1-325.44. Criteria for use of bond revenue by District of Columbia Public Schools.
§ 1-325.45. Annual report; review of funding priorities.
Part F. HIV/Aids Crisis Area Capacity Building Fund.
§ 1-325.51. Funds for HIV/AIDS Crisis Area Capacity Building.
§ 1-325.52. Rulemaking.
§ 1-325.53. HIV/AIDS Administration Capacity Building Fund report.
Part G. Fee Collection Incentive Fund.
§ 1-325.61. Fee Collection Incentive Fund.
Part H. Greater Southeast Community Hospital Capital Equipment Fund.
§ 1-325.71. Establishment of Greater Southeast Community Hospital Capital Equipment Fund.
Part I. Fems Special Events Fee Fund.
§ 1-325.81. FEMS Special Events Fee Fund.
Part J. Solid Waste Disposal Cost Recovery Special Account.
§ 1-325.91. Solid Waste Disposal Cost Recovery Special Account.
Part K. Anti-Graffiti Mural Assistance Program Fund.
§ 1-325.101. Anti-Graffiti Mural Assistance Program Fund.
Part L. Business Improvement District Litter Cleanup Assistance Fund.
§ 1-325.111. Business Improvement District Litter Cleanup Assistance Fund.
Part M. Community-Based Violence Reduction Fund.
§ 1-325.121. Establishment of Community-based Violence Reduction Fund.
Part N. Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Enhancement Fund.
§ 1-325.131. Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Enhancement Fund.
Part O. Veterans Appreciation Scholarship Fund.
§ 1-325.141. Veterans Appreciation Scholarship Fund.
Part P. Capital Project Support Fund.
§ 1-325.151. Definitions.
§ 1-325.152. Capital Project Support Fund; establishment.
§ 1-325.153. Expenditures from Fund.
§ 1-325.154. Reporting requirements.
§ 1-325.155. Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority project.
Part Q. Senior Housing Modernization Grant Fund.
§ 1-325.161. Definitions.
§ 1-325.162. Senior Citizens Housing Modernization Grant Fund.
§ 1-325.163. Eligibility for grants.
§ 1-325.164. Rules.
Part R. H Street Retail Priority Area Fund.
§ 1-325.171. Definitions.
§ 1-325.172. Establishment of the H Street Retail Priority Area Grant Fund.
§ 1-325.173. H Street, N.E. Retail Priority Area business development.
Part S. West End Library and Fire Station Maintenance Fund.
§ 1-325.181. West End Library and Fire Station Maintenance Fund.
Part T. Streetscape Loan Relief Fund.
§ 1-325.191. Streetscape Loan Relief Fund.
Part U. Council Technology Projects Fund.
§ 1-325.201. Council Technology Projects Fund.
Part V. Neighborhood Parade and Festival Fund.
§ 1-325.211. Neighborhood Parade and Festival Fund.
Subchapter XII. Customer Service Operations. Back to Top
Part A. City Wide Call Center.[Repealed]
§ 1-327.01. Establishment of the Citywide Call Center.[Repealed]
§ 1-327.02. Duties.[Repealed]
Part B. Customer Service Operations Unit.
§ 1-327.31. Short title.
§ 1-327.32. Establishment of the Customer Service Operations Unit; duties.
§ 1-327.33. Transfers; abolishment.
§ 1-327.34. Applicability.
Part C. Office of Unified Communications.
§ 1-327.51. Definitions.
§ 1-327.52. Establishment of Office of Unified Communications.
§ 1-327.53. Transfers.
§ 1-327.54. Functions.
§ 1-327.55. Organization.
§ 1-327.56. Coordination with agencies.
§ 1-327.57. Rules.
Part D. D.C. One Card.
§ 1-327.71. Definitions.
§ 1-327.72. Replacement fee.
§ 1-327.73. Rules.
Subchapter XII-A. Grant Administration. Back to Top
§ 1-328.01. Grant transparency.
§ 1-328.02. Grants for planning and planning implementation purposes.
§ 1-328.03. Voting rights and statehood grants.
§ 1-328.04. Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development grant-making authority.
Subchapter XIII. Acceptance of Gifts and Donations. Back to Top
§ 1-329.01. Acceptance of gifts and donations.
Subchapter XIV. Mayor's Official Residence. Back to Top
Part A. Official Residence Commission.
§ 1-331.01. Findings.
§ 1-331.02. Definitions.
§ 1-331.03. Mayor's Official Residence Commission--establishment; duties.
§ 1-331.04. Mayor's Official Residence Commission--composition; compensation; quorum.
§ 1-331.05. Selection of official residence.
Part B. Designation of Mayor's Official Residence.
§ 1-331.10. Designation of Casey Mansion as Mayor's Official Residence.
Subchapter XV. Miscellaneous. Back to Top
§ 1-333.01. Pleuropneumonia.
§ 1-333.02. Inspector of Asphalts and Cements; limitation upon compensation and services.
§ 1-333.03. Director of the Department of General Services.[Repealed]
§ 1-333.04. Agents of the Director of the Department of General Services.[Repealed]
§ 1-333.05. Duties of Municipal Architect.[Repealed]
§ 1-333.06. Appropriations for printing schedules or lists of supplies and materials.
§ 1-333.07. Authority to grant additional compensation.
§ 1-333.08. Authority for transporting children of certain employees in District-owned vehicles.
§ 1-333.09. Reception of eminent persons; appropriation authorized.
§ 1-333.10. Expenditures.
§ 1-333.11. Imposition of fee for delivery of bad check in payment of obligation due District of Columbia; amount of fee; manner of collection; exception.[Repealed]
§ 1-333.12. Grant transparency.
Subchapter XVI. Divestment, Prohibition on Investment of Certain Public Funds. Back to Top
Part A. Sudan.
§ 1-335.01. Definitions.
§ 1-335.02. Identification of companies.
§ 1-335.03. Required actions.
§ 1-335.04. Reporting.
§ 1-335.05. Indemnification.
§ 1-335.06. Reinvestment in certain companies with Active Business Operations.
§ 1-335.07. Enforcement.
Part B. Government of Iran.
§ 1-336.01. Definitions.
§ 1-336.02. Identification of companies.
§ 1-336.03. Required actions.
§ 1-336.04. Reporting.
§ 1-336.05. Liability.
§ 1-336.06. Sunset.
Subchapter XVII. Delinquent Debt Recovery. Back to Top
§ 1-350.01. Definitions.
§ 1-350.02. Responsibility of District agencies to transfer and refer delinquent debt to the Central Collection Unit for collection.
§ 1-350.03. Imposition of costs and fees.
§ 1-350.04. Delinquent Debt Fund.
§ 1-350.05. Lien for delinquent debt.
§ 1-350.06. Payment plans; discharge of delinquent debt; sale of delinquent debt; report to credit agencies.
§ 1-350.07. Suspension of licenses and permits.
§ 1-350.08. Reciprocal agreements.
§ 1-350.09. Offset of delinquent debt against District employee pay and against contractual obligations to District contractors.
§ 1-350.10. Consumer protection.
§ 1-350.11. Report to the Council.
§ 1-350.12. Rules.