Part B. Repealed Provisions.

§§ 9-1219.11 to 9-1219.18. Mayor authorized to open, extend, widen, or straighten alleys and minor streets;  conditions;  width of minor streets; closing of alleys rendered useless or unnecessary;  closing of existing alley upon dedication of new alley;  closing of alley less than 10 feet wide; closing of alley upon erection of building covering two-thirds of square; change of alleyway--Petition;  recordation of order and plat;  title to closed alley;  closing of alley upon new use of square.[Repealed]
§§ 9-1219.19 to 9-1219.22. Closing of alley upon acquisition by District of abutting property; land owned by District may be set aside for alley purposes; notice of order; hearing; maps.[Repealed]
§§ 9-1219.23 to 9-1219.28. Condemnation to open, widen, or straighten alleys or minor streets; plats; notice of condemnation; service; condemnation jury; appointment; oath; objection to jurors; hearing; verdict; assessment of benefits where only part of parcel is condemned; objections to verdict; modification or vacation; benefits assessed must equal damages and costs.[Repealed]
§ 9-1219.29. Assessment on all lots, pieces or parcels benefited by opening of alley or minor street or by establishment of building line.[Repealed]
§§ 9-1219.30, 9-1219.31. Awards paid by Treasurer of United States; benefits deducted from damages; assessments made liens; payments; amendments of property description.[Repealed]
§ 9-1219.32. Appeal from confirmation of assessment.[Repealed]
§ 9-1219.33. Benefit assessments from condemnation for alleys or minor streets.[Repealed]
§§ 9-1219.34 to 9-1219.39. Proceeds of sale of lands paid into Treasury; plats to be made by Surveyor; costs; correcting defects in certain prior proceedings; certain alleys previously opened made valid; certain alleys closed prior to March 3, 1901, unaffected; surplus from sale of land in which United States is interested to be paid into Treasury.[Repealed]
§ 9-1219.40. Costs paid from alley appropriations when proceedings fail.[Repealed]
§ 9-1219.41. Mayor to employ assistant to Corporation Counsel for condemnation proceedings.[Repealed]