Chapter 6A. Brownfield Revitalization.

Subchapter I. Purposes, Findings, Definitions. Back to Top
§ 8-631.01. Findings and declaration of purpose.
§ 8-631.02. Definitions.
Subchapter II. Liabilities and Defenses. Back to Top
§ 8-632.01. Liabilities.
§ 8-632.02. Defenses.
§ 8-632.03. Liability of a non-responsible person.
Subchapter III. Voluntary Cleanup Program. Back to Top
§ 8-633.01. Establishment.
§ 8-633.02. Eligibility and requirements.
§ 8-633.03. Cleanup action plan.
§ 8-633.04. Fees, bonds, and other security of the cleanup action plan.
§ 8-633.05. Cleanup standards.
§ 8-633.06. Certificate of Completion.
§ 8-633.07. Withdrawal from the Program.
§ 8-633.08. Clean Land Fund.
Subchapter IV. Hazardous Substance Response. Back to Top
§ 8-634.01. Response and order authority.
§ 8-634.02. Reimbursement for reasonable costs.
§ 8-634.03. Access to information.
§ 8-634.04. Entry, inspection, and sampling.
§ 8-634.05. Review.
§ 8-634.06. Civil penalties.
§ 8-634.07. Judicial actions.
§ 8-634.08. Settlement authority.
§ 8-634.09. Contribution actions.
§ 8-634.10. Statute of limitations.
§ 8-634.11. Judicial review.
Subchapter V. Institutional Controls. Back to Top
§ 8-635.01. Institutional control.
Subchapter VI. Public Notice, Involvement. Back to Top
§ 8-636.01. Public notice.
§ 8-636.02. Public involvement.
§ 8-636.03. Timing of review.
Subchapter VII. Cleanup Incentives. Back to Top
§ 8-637.01. Incentive authorized.
§ 8-637.02. Requirements.
§ 8-637.03. Environmental Savings Account Program.
§ 8-637.04. Contaminated property cleanup assistance.
Subchapter VIII. Rules, Fiscal Impact, Effective Date. Back to Top
§ 8-638.01. Rules.