Chapter 1. Environmental Controls.

Subchapter I. Air Pollution Control. Back to Top
§§ 8-101.01 to 8-101.03. Purpose; emission and air control standards; air pollution control program; administration of subchapter.[Repealed]
§ 8-101.04. Testing of Solid Waste Reduction Center Number 1 for compliance with certain emission standards; submission of test results and reports to Council.
§ 8-101.05. Comprehensive air pollution control program.
§ 8-101.06. Rules.
Subchapter 1-A. Anacostia River Clean Up and Protection. Back to Top
§ 8-102.01. Definitions.
§ 8-102.02. Requirements for disposable carryout bags made available to customers by retail establishments.
§ 8-102.03. Establishment of fee.
§ 8-102.04. Rules; enforcement and penalties for violation.
§ 8-102.05. Establishment of the Anacostia River Clean Up and Protection Fund.
§ 8-102.06. Public information and outreach campaigns.
§ 8-102.06a. Establishment of Anacostia pilot program.
§ 8-102.07. Issuance of Anacostia River Commemorative License Plates.
Subchapter II. Water Pollution Control. Back to Top
§ 8-103.01. Definitions.
§ 8-103.02. Discharge of pollutants prohibited; exception.
§ 8-103.03. Protection of aquatic life.
§ 8-103.04. Classification of beneficial uses of waters.
§ 8-103.05. Monitoring for compliance with subchapter.
§ 8-103.06. Certain discharges permitted; terms of permit; additional enforcement procedures; effect of federal permit; public hearing on permit; special requirements for treatment facilities; permits for industrial discharges; certain discharges from watercraft prohibited.
§ 8-103.07. Location of discharge; recognition of reduction of pollutants; restrictions on quantity of materials discharged; discharge of used motor oil to sewer prohibited.
§ 8-103.08. Discharge of pollutant from vessel or onshore or offshore facility; removal of these pollutants; contingency plan for environmental emergencies.
§ 8-103.09. Accounting for revenues and expenses of pollutant removal; available funds for future years; District of Columbia Wetland and Stream Mitigation Trust Fund.
§ 8-103.09a. District of Columbia Wells Maintenance Fund; establishment; financing.[Repealed]
§ 8-103.10. Spill prevention and cleanup plan for onshore or offshore facility; discharge from underground facility; testing of underground tanks for leaks.
§ 8-103.11. Water quality management plan.
§ 8-103.12. Mayor authorized to issue research grants.
§ 8-103.13. Mayor authorized to regulate construction.
§ 8-103.13a. Well construction, maintenance, and abandonment.
§ 8-103.13b. Fees, reimbursements, and costs.
§ 8-103.14. Use of sludge from treatment facilities.
§ 8-103.15. Subpoena and inspection powers of Mayor.
§ 8-103.16. Penalties.
§ 8-103.17. Enforcement of subchapter.
§ 8-103.18. Civil actions.
§ 8-103.19. Private rights of action permitted; prior notice to Mayor; regulations and investigations concerning reported violations.
§ 8-103.20. Rules.
Subchapter III. Wastewater Control. Back to Top
§ 8-105.01. Purpose.
§ 8-105.02. Definitions.
§ 8-105.03. Special agreements.
§ 8-105.04. Falsifying information.
§ 8-105.05. Tampering and misuse.
§ 8-105.06. Regulation.
§ 8-105.07. Administration.
§ 8-105.08. Inspection authority.
§ 8-105.09. Information and confidentiality.
§ 8-105.10. Administrative enforcement.
§ 8-105.11. Injunction.
§ 8-105.12. Emergency suspension of service.
§ 8-105.13. Annual publication.
§ 8-105.14. Penalties.
§ 8-105.15. Authority to issue regulations.
Subchapter IV. Restrictions on Phosphate Cleaners. Back to Top
§ 8-107.01. Definitions.
§ 8-107.02. Sale and use of phosphate cleaners prohibited; exceptions; manufacturer's package statement; testing of products for compliance; exemptions for use of noncomplying cleaners; rules and regulations; annual report by Mayor.
§ 8-107.03. Seller's burden in civil action.
§ 8-107.04. Criminal prosecutions; penalties for violations of subchapter.
Subchapter IV-A. Restrictions on Bisphenol-A, Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers, and Perchloroethylene. Back to Top
§ 8-108.01. Restrictions on bisphenol-A.
§ 8-108.02. Prohibitions on polybrominated diphenyl ethers.
§ 8-108.03. Phase out of perchloroethylene in dry cleaning.
§ 8-108.04. Penalties.
§ 8-108.05. Rules.
Subchapter V. Environmental Impact Statements. Back to Top
§ 8-109.01. Purpose.
§ 8-109.02. Definitions.
§ 8-109.03. Environmental Impact Statement requirements.
§ 8-109.04. Adverse impact findings.
§ 8-109.05. Supplemental EIS.
§ 8-109.06. Exemptions.
§ 8-109.07. Lead agencies; files.
§ 8-109.08. Judicial review.
§ 8-109.09. Rules.
§ 8-109.10. Construction.
§ 8-109.11. Required Environmental Impact Statements.
§ 8-109.12. Fees.
Subchapter VI. Asbestos Licensing and Control. Back to Top
§ 8-111.01. Definitions.
§ 8-111.02. Asbestos worker license.
§ 8-111.03. Business entity license and permit.
§ 8-111.04. Prohibitions.
§ 8-111.05. Inspection and investigation.
§ 8-111.06. Reprimands; suspensions; revocations.
§ 8-111.07. Summary action.
§ 8-111.08. Cease and desist order.
§ 8-111.09. Criminal action.
§ 8-111.10. Civil infractions.
§ 8-111.11. Records to be kept by a business entity.
§ 8-111.12. Mayor's responsibilities.
§ 8-111.13. Rules.
§ 8-111.14. Remedies cumulative.
Subchapter VII. Underground Storage Tank Management. Back to Top
§ 8-113.01. Definitions.
§ 8-113.02. Notification.
§ 8-113.03. Release notification requirements.
§ 8-113.04. Interim prohibition for installation.
§ 8-113.05. Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund.[Repealed]
§ 8-113.06. Certification, registration, and licensing.
§ 8-113.07. Denial, suspension, or revocation.
§ 8-113.08. Right of entry; inspections; analyses; corrective action.
§ 8-113.09. Enforcement; penalties.
§ 8-113.10. Summary action.
§ 8-113.11. Citizen's right of action.
§ 8-113.12. Rules.
Subchapter VIII. Lead-Based Paint Abatement and Control. Back to Top
§ 8-115.01. Definitions.[Repealed]
§ 8-115.02. Establishment of lead-based paint abatement and control program.[Repealed]
§ 8-115.03. Prohibition on lead-based paint activities.[Repealed]
§ 8-115.04. Exemptions from provisions of this subchapter.[Repealed]
§ 8-115.05. Certification requirements for individuals and business entities to conduct lead-based paint abatement; risk assessment and inspection of lead-based paint hazards, lead-contaminated dust, and lead-contaminated soil; or planning, project designing, and supervision of lead-based paint activities.[Repealed]
§ 8-115.05a. Required training of employees of a business entity performing interim controls and certain lead-based paint activities.[Repealed]
§ 8-115.06. Accreditation of training providers.[Repealed]
§ 8-115.07. Permit requirements.
§ 8-115.07a. Clearance report required.[Repealed]
§ 8-115.08. Record keeping requirements.[Repealed]
§ 8-115.09. Inspections by the Mayor.[Repealed]
§ 8-115.10. Denial, suspension, or revocation.[Repealed]
§ 8-115.11. Hearings.[Repealed]
§ 8-115.12. Criminal penalties/fines.[Repealed]
§ 8-115.13. Civil penalties/fines; civil infractions.[Repealed]
§ 8-115.14. Rulemaking.[Repealed]