Chapter 22. Homeland Security.

Subchapter I. Homeland Security Program. Back to Top
Part A. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency.
§ 7-2201. Declaration of intent; "civil defense" defined.
§ 7-2202. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency; Director and other personnel; compensation.
§ 7-2203. Appointment of member of Police Department or Fire Department to position in Office of Emergency Preparedness.
§ 7-2204. "Metropolitan Police Department", "Fire Department" defined.
§ 7-2205. Powers and duties.
§ 7-2206. Limitation of liability.
§ 7-2207. Appropriations authorized.
§ 7-2208. Annual report.
§ 7-2209. Interstate civil defense compacts.
Part B. Homeland Security Program Implementation.
§ 7-2231.01. Findings.
§ 7-2231.02. Definitions.
§ 7-2231.03. Homeland Security Program.
§ 7-2231.04. Public information and involvement program.
§ 7-2231.05. District of Columbia government employee security training program.
§ 7-2231.06. Large building security.
§ 7-2231.07. Exercises.
§ 7-2231.08. Public notification of emergencies.
§ 7-2231.09. Private sector vulnerability assessments and mitigation plans.
§ 7-2231.10. Rules for use of surveillance cameras.
Subchapter II. District of Columbia Homeland Security Commission. Back to Top
§ 7-2271.01. Definitions.
§ 7-2271.02. Establishment of District of Columbia Homeland Security Commission; membership.
§ 7-2271.03. Responsibilities.
§ 7-2271.04. Confidentiality of proceedings.
§ 7-2271.05. Confidentiality of information.
§ 7-2271.06. Records.
§ 7-2271.07. Report to the Mayor, Council, and the public.