Chapter 20. Child Care Services and Facilities.

Subchapter I. Child Care Services Assistance Fund. Back to Top
§ 7-2001. Definitions.
§ 7-2002. Child Care Services Assistance Fund; established.
§ 7-2003. Sources of funding.
§ 7-2004. Eligibility.
§ 7-2005. Repayment.
§ 7-2006. Disclaimer of liability.
§ 7-2007. Rules.
§ 7-2008. Annual report by Mayor.
Subchapter II. Child Development Facilities Regulation. Back to Top
§ 7-2031. Definitions.
§ 7-2032. Applicability and scope.
§ 7-2033. Exemptions.
§ 7-2033.01. Transfers of personnel, property, and funds from Department of Health to Office of the State Superintendent of Education; continuation.
§ 7-2034. License required.
§ 7-2035. Licenses issued pursuant to prior law.
§ 7-2036. Powers and duties of the Mayor.
§ 7-2037. Variances.
§ 7-2038. License renewal.
§ 7-2039. Denial of a license.
§ 7-2040. Revocation, suspension, denial of license.
§ 7-2041. Summary suspension.
§ 7-2042. Cease and desist orders.
§ 7-2043. Right of entry and inspection.
§ 7-2044. Hearings.
§ 7-2045. Judicial review.
§ 7-2046. Criminal and civil penalties.
§ 7-2047. Prosecutions.
§ 7-2048. Injunctions.
§ 7-2049. Repeal of existing regulations.
§ 7-2050. Pending actions and proceedings; existing orders.

Refs & Annos


Editor's Notes

Because of the enactment of subchapter II of Chapter 36 of Title 6 [subchapter II of Chapter 20 of Title 7, 2001 Ed.] by D.C. Law 12-215, the preexisting text [§§ 7-2001 to 7-2008, 2001 Ed.] has been designated as subchapter I.