Chapter 12. Mental Health Information.

Subchapter I. Definitions; General Provisions. Back to Top
§ 7-1201.01. Definitions.
§ 7-1201.02. Disclosures prohibited; exceptions.
§ 7-1201.03. Personal notes.
§ 7-1201.04. General rules governing disclosures.
Subchapter II. Disclosures with the Client's Consent. Back to Top
§ 7-1202.01. Disclosures by client authorization.
§ 7-1202.02. Form of authorization.
§ 7-1202.03. Redisclosure.
§ 7-1202.04. Revocation of authorization.
§ 7-1202.05. Power to grant authorization.
§ 7-1202.06. Authority of mental health professional to limit authorized disclosures.
§ 7-1202.07. Limited disclosure to 3rd-party payors.
Subchapter III. Exceptions. Back to Top
§ 7-1203.01. Disclosures within a mental health facility or to participating providers.
§ 7-1203.02. Disclosures under law.
§ 7-1203.03. Disclosures on an emergency basis.
§ 7-1203.04. Disclosures for collection of fees.
§ 7-1203.05. Disclosures for research, auditing and program evaluation.
§ 7-1203.05a. Disclosures to correctional institutions or law enforcement officials.
§ 7-1203.06. Redisclosure.
Subchapter IV. Court-Related Disclosures. Back to Top
§ 7-1204.01. Court-ordered examinations.
§ 7-1204.02. Civil commitment proceedings.
§ 7-1204.03. Court actions.
§ 7-1204.04. Redisclosure.
§ 7-1204.05. Court records; anonymity of parties.
Subchapter V. Client's Right to Access and Right to Correct Information. Back to Top
§ 7-1205.01. Right to access.
§ 7-1205.02. Authority to limit access.
§ 7-1205.03. Review by independent mental health professional.
§ 7-1205.04. Judicial action to compel access.
§ 7-1205.05. Right to correct information.
Subchapter VI. Security. Back to Top
§ 7-1206.01. Security requirement.
§ 7-1206.02. Notice requirement--Employees and agents with access to information.
§ 7-1206.03. Notice requirement--Clients in group sessions.
Subchapter VII. Penalties. Back to Top
§ 7-1207.01. Civil liability.
§ 7-1207.02. Criminal penalties.
Subchapter VIII. Miscellaneous Provisions. Back to Top
§ 7-1208.01. Penalties under other laws.
§ 7-1208.02. Prescriptions.
§ 7-1208.03. Authority of the Commission on Mental Health.
§ 7-1208.04. Prohibition against waiver.
§ 7-1208.05. [Reserved]
§ 7-1208.06. Conflict with federal law.
§ 7-1208.07. Effective date.