Chapter 7. Fire Safety.

Subchapter I. General. Back to Top
Part A. Fire Escapes, Elevators, Stairways, Etc.
§ 6-701.01. Fire escapes--Buildings used as dwellings; exceptions.
§ 6-701.02. Fire escapes--Commercial buildings; access to escapes; hallway and stairway lights.
§ 6-701.03. Duty of owner to provide fire safety measures.
§ 6-701.03a. Fire safety requirements for high-rise buildings.
§ 6-701.04. Regulations authorized for enforcement of part.
§ 6-701.05. Elevators and stairways extending to basement; exemptions for certain office buildings.
§ 6-701.06. Obstruction of halls and stairways.
§ 6-701.07. Obstruction of fire escapes and approaches.
§ 6-701.08. Violations of part.
§ 6-701.09. Notice requiring provision of fire safety measures--Contents.
§ 6-701.10. Notice requiring provision of fire safety measures--Service; failure of owner to comply.
§ 6-701.11. Injunction to restrain use of building in violation of part.
§ 6-701.12. Definitions.
Part B. Fees; Notices.
§ 6-703.01. Fees for inspection of buildings; fees for annual hauling permits for certain multiaxle motor vehicles.
§ 6-703.02. Interstate agreement concerning hauling permit fees for certain multiaxle motor vehicles.
§ 6-703.03. Regulations authorized concerning means of egress and fire safety appliances.
§ 6-703.04. Occupancy after receipt of notice.
§ 6-703.05. Notice requiring installation of means of egress or fire safety appliances.
§ 6-703.06. Violation of §§ 6-703.03 to 6-703.09.
§ 6-703.07. Service of notice.
§ 6-703.08. Failure of owner to comply with notice.
§ 6-703.09. Injunction to restrain use of building in violation of §§ 6- 703.03 to 6-703.09.
Subchapter II. Correcting Conditions Violative of Law. Back to Top
§ 6-711.01. Mayor may correct conditions violative of law; assessment of cost; lien on property; fund to pay costs; summary corrective action of life-or-health threatening condition.
§ 6-711.02. Inspection of buildings for violative conditions; interference with inspection.
§ 6-711.03. Notice requiring correction of unlawful conditions; service.
Subchapter III. Alterations to Rental Units Causing Violations of Housing Regulations After Notice to Vacate. Back to Top
§ 6-731.01. Prohibited.
§ 6-731.02. Exemption by consent of tenants.
§ 6-731.03. Exemption by Mayor.
§ 6-731.04. Penalty.
Subchapter IV. Smoke Detectors. Back to Top
§ 6-751.01. Definitions.
§ 6-751.02. General requirements.
§ 6-751.02a. Visual alert systems.
§ 6-751.03. Locations.
§ 6-751.04. Equipment.
§ 6-751.05. Installation.
§ 6-751.05a. Smoke and carbon monoxide detector and battery program.
§ 6-751.05b. Annual report on smoke and carbon monoxide detector and battery program.
§ 6-751.05c. Acceptance of gifts and grants of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, batteries, and funds; authority to purchase detectors and batteries.
§ 6-751.06. Maintenance.
§ 6-751.07. Permits.
§ 6-751.08. Other applicable standards.
§ 6-751.09. Civil penalties.
§ 6-751.10. Installation by tenant.
§ 6-751.11. Smoke Detector and Fire Alarm Notice.