Chapter 23. Traffic Adjudication.

Subchapter I. Purposes; Definitions; Establishment; Hearing Examiners; Sanctions; Time Computations; Regulations. Back to Top
§ 50-2301.01. Purposes.
§ 50-2301.02. Definitions.
§ 50-2301.03. Bureau of Traffic Adjudication and Bureau of Parking and Enforcement established.[Repealed]
§ 50-2301.04. Hearing examiners.
§ 50-2301.05. Monetary sanctions.
§ 50-2301.06. Time computation.
§ 50-2301.07. Regulations.
§ 50-2301.08. Report to Council.
Subchapter II. Moving Infractions. Back to Top
§ 50-2302.01. Applicability.
§ 50-2302.02. Exceptions.
§ 50-2302.03. Exception for serious offenders.
§ 50-2302.04. Notice of infraction.
§ 50-2302.05. Answer.
§ 50-2302.06. Hearing.
Subchapter III. Parking, Standing, Stopping and Pedestrian Infractions. Back to Top
§ 50-2303.01. Applicability.
§ 50-2303.02. Exceptions for serious offenders.
§ 50-2303.02a. Automated parking enforcement system.
§ 50-2303.03. Notice of infraction.
§ 50-2303.04. Civil liability.
§ 50-2303.04a. Fleet reconciliation program.
§ 50-2303.05. Answer.
§ 50-2303.06. Hearing.
§ 50-2303.07. Identification of pedestrian offenders.
§ 50-2303.08. Electronic Notice.
Subchapter IV. Administrative Review. Back to Top
§ 50-2304.01. Appeals boards.
§ 50-2304.02. Right of appeal.
§ 50-2304.03. Scope of review.
§ 50-2304.04. Time limitation.
§ 50-2304.05. Judicial review.
Subchapter V. Severability; Effective Date. Back to Top
§ 50-2305.01. Severability.
§ 50-2305.02. Effective date.