Chapter 5. Salaries.

Subchapter I. General. Back to Top
§ 5-501.01. Increase denied for unsatisfactory service; removal for inefficiency; additional compensation for outstanding efficiency.
§ 5-501.02. Computation of rates of compensation.
Subchapter II. Holiday Compensation. Back to Top
§ 5-521.01. Compensation for working on holidays.
§ 5-521.02. "Holiday" defined.
§ 5-521.03. Applicability of subchapter to United States Secret Service Uniformed Division and United States Park Police force.
Subchapter III. Salary Classifications. Back to Top
Part A. Salary Schedules.
§ 5-541.01. Salary schedule; maximum compensation permitted.
Part B. Method of Assignment of Employees to Salary Schedules.
§ 5-542.01. Adjustments.
§ 5-542.02. Additional compensation for helicopter pilot, bomb disposal, or scuba diving duty.
§ 5-542.03. Classification of aide to Fire Marshal.
Part C. Method of Appointment, Advancement, Promotion and Demotion.
§ 5-543.01. Minimum rate for original appointments; rates for reappointments.
§ 5-543.02. Technicians' positions.
§ 5-543.03. Service step adjustments.
§ 5-543.04. Promotion or transfer.
§ 5-543.05. Demotion.
Part D. Longevity.
§ 5-544.01. Service longevity.
Part E. Miscellaneous Provisions.
§ 5-545.01. Basic compensation of officers and members of United States Park Police and United States Secret Service Uniformed Division.
§ 5-545.02. [Reserved]
§ 5-545.03. Subchapter not construed to decrease compensation; exception as to vacancy.
§ 5-545.04. Council authorized to promulgate regulations.
§ 5-545.05. Retroactive salary.
§ 5-545.06. Delegation of powers and functions.
§ 5-545.06a. Council authorized to change or suspend provisions.
Subchapter IV. Conversion of New Salary Schedule. Back to Top
§ 5-561.01. Conversion to new salary schedule, 1997.[Repealed]
§ 5-561.02. Conversion to new salary schedule, 2000.
Subchapter V. Federal Law Enforcement Pay Reform. Back to Top
§ 5-563.01. Termination of existing special salary rates and adjustments.
§ 5-563.02. Freeze of current rate for locality-based comparability adjustments.