• Current through October 23, 2012

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the amount of borrowing associated with the arena development and construction costs, including, but not limited to, land acquisition, construction, predevelopment, off-site infrastructure, and financing for capital interest and principal, may not exceed $61 million, to be paid from proceeds of the arena tax, established pursuant to § 47-2751 et seq.

(Mar. 5, 1996, D.C. Law 11-98, § 1303, 43 DCR 5; enacted, Apr. 9, 1997, D.C. Law 11-254, § 2, 44 DCR 1575.)


Prior Codifications

1981 Ed., § 47-398.5.

Temporary Addition of Section

For temporary (225 day) amendment of section, see § 4 of Real Property Tax Rates for Tax Year 1996 Temporary Amendment Act of 1995 (D.C. Law 11-86, February 10, 1996, law notification 43 DCR 1312).

Emergency Act Amendments

For temporary addition of section, see § 4 of the Real Property Tax Rates for Tax Year 1996 Emergency Amendment Act of 1995 (D.C. Act 11-148, October 26, 1995, 42 DCR 6054), § 4 of the Real Property Tax Rates for Tax Year 1996 Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 1996 (D.C. Act 11-183, January 22, 1996, 43 DCR 376), and § 1303 of the Budget Support Congressional Review Emergency Act of 1996 (D.C. Act 11-206, February 9, 1996, 43 DCR 777).

Legislative History of Laws

For legislative history of D.C. Law 11-98, see Historical and Statutory Notes following § 47-319.01.