Chapter 14. Taxation of Recordation and Transfers of Real Property.

Subchapter I. Definitions. Back to Top
§ 47-1401. Definitions.
Subchapter II. Residential Real Property Transfer Excise Tax.[Expired] Back to Top
§§ 47-1411 to 47-1421. Imposition; persons liable; transfers affected; period of applicability; exempt transfers; manner of determination; rate table; development of return forms and quarterly filing regulations and procedures; filing of return and information; payment; required information in return; supporting documentation; applicability of income and franchise tax provisions; willful breach or intentional dishonor of property warranty; annual report by Mayor; promulgation of regulations.[Expired]
Subchapter III. Compulsory Recordation of Transfers of Real Property. Back to Top
§ 47-1431. In general.
§ 47-1432. Presumptions and burden of proof.
§ 47-1433. Violations.
Subchapter IV. Licensing of Dealers in Residential Real Property.[Repealed] Back to Top
§ 47-1441. Definitions.[Repealed]
§ 47-1442. General requirements.[Repealed]
§ 47-1443. Persons prohibited from acquiring license; contents of applications.[Repealed]
§ 47-1444. Issuance and display of license.[Repealed]
§ 47-1445. License expiration, fees and renewals; change in location of principal place of business.[Repealed]
§ 47-1446. Maintenance of place of business;  nonresidents.[Repealed]
§ 47-1447. Grounds for suspension or revocation of license.[Repealed]
§ 47-1448. Rescission of contracts or agreements; suspension or revocation procedures.[Repealed]
§ 47-1449. Mayor to report certain violations to Commission.[Repealed]
§ 47-1450. Annual report by Commission.[Repealed]
§ 47-1451. Regulations and violations thereof.[Repealed]
Subchapter V. Miscellaneous Provisions.[Repealed] Back to Top
§ 47-1461. Annual report of costs and revenues.[Repealed]
§ 47-1462. Regulations.[Repealed]
Subchapter VI. Severability; Effect of Repeal or Amendment of Other Provisions.[Repealed] Back to Top
§ 47-1471. In general.[Repealed]